Sunday, October 23, 2011

At the Rally to Stop Police Brutality

Yesterday marked the 16th Annual National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality ... the peaceful rally/protest started at Union Square ... Bobby Williams picked up the route in Tompkins Square Park... then down East Eighth Street ... Avenue C and Avenue D... We don't have an exact number of people who were marching ... almost seemed as if there were equal numbers of the NYPD ...

EV Grieve reader Kirk sends along a few more shots from the 16th Annual National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality yesterday... from Avenue D....

... and two photos showing the police presence on the rooftops of the Lillian Wald Houses...

Mobile crane crew arrives to delab the BMW Guggenheim Lab

A crew arrived around 9 this morning to begin delabbing the BMW Guggenheim Lab... They're just getting started... so you have plenty of time to swing by and watch....

As of 9:25 or so, the delabbing didn't have any noticeable effect on the Prune brunch line... Prune opens at 10.

Halloween dog parade afternoon

Here are more photos from the the 21st Annual Tompkins Square Halloween Parade yesterday in Tompkins Square Park ...thanks to East Village-based photographer Stacie Joy for sharing these...

Want more?

Check out Melanie's photos at East Village Corner ... BoweryBoogie ... and NY Through the Lens ...

And now, the main event...

Part of FreakFest yesterday in Tompkins Square Park... GLOB — Gorgeous Ladies of Bloodwrestling! (Sports-satire warriors wrestling in fake blood to punk rock...)

Photos by Bobby Williams...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Now we know how a Kardashian feels

At the 21st Annual Tompkins Square Halloween Parade today in Tompkins Square Park via EV Grieve reader C.C.

Dethrace 2011

Here's a first batch of FreakFest photos from Tompkins Square Park today... Dethrace via peter radley...

Dressing for success

Today in Tompkins Square Park via our friend BaHa....

Part 2

Photos by Bobby Williams...

NYPD cites two East Village bars last night

Multiple readers sent along word that the Undercover/Underage Patrol was out in full force last night...

There's a "closed by court order" sign at Bar 81 on Seventh Street...

...and a "restraining order" and a whole bunch of legalese papers on U2 (or 2U) Karaoke on St. Mark's Place... for "illegal sale of alcoholic beverages."

Know of any other bars that the NYPD cited last night...?

NYPD pulls over cyclist this morning on the Bowery

We've reported on cyclists who received tickets for blowing through red lights... (like here)...

This morning, the NYPD pulled over this fellow at First Street on the Bowery... Word is he zipped through the intersection at Houston and the Bowery without stopping for the light...

We stood around awkwardly for an awkwardly long time (how long can you pretend to look at Steven Tyler's clothing line?) to see if the officers would write him a ticket... we left when our cover was blown... Don't look at the camera! Stay in character!

Dude, you weren't supposed to pick us up until noon!

Third Avenue and 12th Street...

Today in Tompkins Square Park

There's the Freakfest ... the Halloween Dog Parade ... and the Earth School's Annual Fall Fair ...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Whale of a tale

The Burning Sensations from 1982.

Breaking: Starbucks plywood going up on First Avenue

EVFlip sends along photos of workers putting up the plywood on First Avenue at Third Street, home of the former Bean...

As you know, the Bean left to make way for the Starbucks, the Times first reported on Sept. 14.

Per EVFLip: "I'm guessing that it's just for construction, but seeing as Ben Shaoul is involved with this space, it may be a retractable balcony!"