Thursday, July 9, 2009

Grab your duvetyne! It's almost "Date Night"

As mentioned, "Date Night" is filming on Seventh Street/St. Mark's, uh, tonight. Meanwhile, the crew is relaxing and enjoying the catering. We're sure they have a permit for allowing open flames out on Seventh Street!


  1. every time one of these goddamn film crews ask me to walk around, i say, "why? i'm the one who lives here." these are total leches. too bad bloomberg decided to whore out the city to hollywood, it used to be too expensive to film here until he gave them all ginormous tax writeoffs/ fuck film crews! at least, fuck film crews for movies like this

  2. Yes, anon — I'm with you.

    Still, the BBQ yesterday smelled pretty damn good. Fuckers.


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