Thursday, July 9, 2009

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

The entire Curbed network is live blogging from Superdive right now.

Marc Jacobs has designed two bags named after St. Mark's Place (Racked)

Inside the Yiddish Artists and Friends Actors Club on Seventh Street (The Villager)

The history of 46 E. Houston St. (Tenement Museum)

Jack White's Third Man Records opening a pop-up shop on Chrystie (Brooklyn Vegan)

Another movie in which NYC bites it (The Vulture)

New Yorkers talk loudly and are annoying (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Read about North Brother Island's tragic past (Ephemeral New York) and watch a program on the Island's bird sanctuary (13-PBS)

Natalie Wood in 1950s NYC (Esquared)

Remembering 1984 NYC and Simple Minds (Hunter-Gatherer)

Jason Lee tossed from Max Fish for fighting and being a jackass (Page Six)

Next stop, 500!: And the cargo shorts comment thread continues to grow (EV Grieve)


  1. You really should join the Eater crowd at Superdive...the never-ending hatred has even gotten my own crew interested...hmm.

  2. Woo! I'm here, Goggla! Let's sing show tunes! "SWEEEETTTTTTTTT CAROLINEEEEEE....badadaaaaaa."

    Uh, but seriously. I actually went undercover at the Superdive recently. Never did get around to doing a post on it... One of these days, perhaps!

  3. I was really...slightly...tempted to slink by last night. Got distracted by Mars instead, just in time to see a fist fight...the real dive wins.

  4. I hope it wasn't the guy with the pink shirt.

  5. Ha, no. Pink Shirt was actually a visitor from Sweden. These two were regulars.

  6. Sweden! Hmm... Wonder if he ever saw the post!

  7. Awesome on the cargo shorts deb8. Getting UCB in our 'hood can only be a plus, even if there is one guy who wears cargo shorts and talks to himself on alternate days.

  8. Did the cargo shorts thing metastasize here?

    I was hoping it would.


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