Wednesday, October 7, 2009

10 years and many glass towers ago on the Bowery

I posted this earlier today over yonder at the New York Nobody Sings....

I can't say that I have any opinion of UK singer-songerwriter Beth Orton. Eh.

But. The video for her "Central Reservation" was shot on the Bowery and other parts of the Lower East Side. The song is from 1999 — just 10 years ago, but look at how much has changed. You'll get a good shot of Cooper Square around the 28-second mark. No Bowery Hotel. Cooper Square Hotel. 2 Cooper Square. The Astor Place Tower. Avalon Bowery Place....


  1. Hey, now. I like Beth Orton. Saw her at a free concert at Central Park Summer Stage in '98. Check out here early albums, especially Trailer Park. Besides, would rather have Ms. Orton filming/singing in the EV (if she still would), rather than any of these artists in the EV today -- Coldplay, LiLo, Lizzy McGuire, etc. Just saying.

  2. I'm with you, Esquared. I don't dislike. I just don't know all that much about her.

  3. Trailer Park is a stone classic indeed. The Daybreaker album is a good 'un also...


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