Friday, February 11, 2011

The Mosaic Man has a home in the Lee

The Lee, the low-income housing development and training center on East Houston and Pitt Street, is nearly ready for occupancy. A spokesperson told me last fall that Lee developer Common Ground will reserve 104 units for formerly homeless individuals, 105 units for low-income workers, and 54 units for young adults at risk for homelessness.

Among the new residents: Jim Power, The Mosaic Man (along with Jesse Jane). Scoopy has an item on his new home this week in The Villager. You can read that here.

While this is all good news, Power is worried about the fate of his Mosaics — they'll likely be in the way of the Astor Place redesign. “I’m asking that Community Board 2 resign,” he declared, “because they thought that was a very good design — that’s ridiculous! This is still our neighborhood!”

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Lee expects full occupancy by March 31


  1. wonderful news to hear about jim and jesse jane. thank god he did not have to leave the neighborhood!

  2. Glad to see Jim and Jesse are able to stay where they belong THE BEST PART HE IS A NAM VET WELCOME

  3. Glad to see Jim and Jesse are able to stay where they belong THE BEST PART HE IS A NAM VET WELCOME


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