Friday, February 11, 2011

Today in worrying about 35 Cooper Square

I swear those windows on the second floor weren't boarded up the other day...

And weren't people still living in apartments above the bar?



  1. Hisae (grandma), the proprietor of the Asian Pub and her grand-daughter lived upstairs from the restaurant. They may have a second residence in NJ.

  2. Sadder and sadder. The entire Landmarks "Preservation" Committee, those laughable, clowns, should be lined up and shot.

  3. are they chinese? i thought grandma in chinese was something like "popaw"

  4. To glamma:
    Hisae (her name)is Japanese. Friends and I just always used to refer to her as "grandma". I should not have put it in parentheses!


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