Friday, February 11, 2011

Pizza being delivered to former tattoo shop on the Bowery

Looks as if the look vacant former home of Bowery Tattoo has a new tenant...

... signs just went up for Forcella — La Pizza di Napoli here between Bond and Great Jones...

As BoweryBoogie had reported, the folks behind the Vbar were looking to open a bar here two years back... And maybe a little competition now for McNally's Pulino's?


  1. I don't think anyone thinks of Pulino's as a pizza place.

  2. Am I the only person who wondered/wonders how so many tattoo shops stay in business? Are that many people permanently inking themselves on a regular basis?

  3. 11:44, the tattoo parlors don't mystify me as much as the fortune tellers. How in the hell do these people get such primo real estate? I never see anyone in these shabby storefronts and even if they have clients, do you know how many $5 palm readings one would have to do to make rent? It makes me wonder if they are a front for a different kind of "palm reading," if you know what I mean!

  4. Although they used to stay a lil' longer, tattoo parlors have a long history on the Bowery (my former next door neighbor):

  5. Can't wait for this amazing pizza place to open in NY. Tried this chefs pizza in Italy and it was breathtaking. So excited!!

  6. Can anyone tell me more about this pizza di napoli?? what does Forcella stand for? I love the Bowery scene and would welcome any new cool places ( I assume its cool , lol ) I hope its better the Pullino's , cause their pizza isnt very good, to say th least


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