Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lullaby for the pop-up piano in Tompkins Square Park

Yesterday, the Sing for Hope pop-up piano ended its 18-day (or so!) residency in Tompkins Square Park. Workers came by to take the piano to its permanent new home at a school, library, community center, etc.

Or else it was stolen. In any event! It was fun while it lasted, probably. (C'mon — kidding!)

Meanwhile, we'll miss the photo opps. All photos here by Bobby Williams.



  1. I will miss the piano. Walking through the park I could hear lovely tunes everytime!!Glad I sat down and played a few tunes. I did not know it was the last day.

  2. It did provide for some lovely moments... According to the website, July 2 was the last day for the pianos citywide. Guess they gave us the holiday ...

  3. @Melanie - I agree and am also going to miss the piano.

  4. I think it was a great idea as well and hope they do it again.


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