Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New roll-down gates for the Mars Bar

Goggla passes along this information... Workers have installed new roll-down gates at the Mars Bar and the adjoining space here along the doomed stretch of 11-17 Second Ave. (Also, someone painted over the graffiti on the First Street side... where that fresh blank black patch is...)

Anyway, not sure why you'd install new roll-down gates on a building that will be demolished. As for that, the worker told Goggla that he didn't know anything about a pending date for start of the demolition. But he thought "soon."



  1. plus, don't all new roll down gates need to be of the "chain-link" variety?

  2. It sucks that Terry's mural got painted over. And slowly this corner fades to blandness.

  3. @Marty

    Oh, crap — right. Forgot that Terry's farewell mural was here. Wonder why someone painted over it? Why bother installing new gates or painting over murals when the whole shebang is getting demolished?

    And they are off schedule. Previous reports said this would start in August.

  4. Aw Why did they have to paint over the mural as well?!

  5. Terry's mural got tagged, so you couldn't really see it any more. Looks like someone just wanted to hide all the graffiti, but the expense of installing new gates is a mystery. Maybe they expect the place to sit around a while?

  6. What a shame. First Street between 2nd and Bowery is disgusting. It is so bland and void of any life. It should be renamed Stepford place!

  7. looks like there's no money to build a new building, so it's gonna sit abandoned for a while folks while they figure it out. they could demolish it to reduce taxes, but i'm guessing the developers are saving money for that too probably gonna flip it to a hotel developer

  8. Looks like yet another stalled construction project on the LES.

    I hope that prick Capoccia has lost his financing and that the sell-out residents who facilitated his takeover of these buildings along Second Avenue keep couch surfing, waiting for the promised Capoccia units they will never get!!


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