Monday, December 19, 2011

Tough times for a rat in Tompkins Square Park

So. Bobby Williams heard that the red-tailed hawk was tussling with a rat in Tompkins Square Park earlier ...

Bobby thought that the rat was dead.

However, in something out of a Coen Brothers movie (Ok, that's a stretch...), Bobby came back later and saw that the rat — with a missing chunk — had dragged itself out of the grassy wood-chipped area and was still alive...

The rat was gone the next time Bobby looked.


  1. Bobby should have put a little Santa suit on him and he would've looked like he was left over and still passed out from Santacon.

  2. That's one tough old rat. He wasn't gonna go out like that, good for him. I hope he is alright.

  3. From “Grizzly Man”, Werner Herzog: "I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but chaos, hostility, and murder."


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