Friday, January 13, 2012

Fast-food trifecta: Take a look at what's replacing King Gyro on First Avenue

EV Grieve reader Creature brought us the news on Monday about King Gyro closing on First Avenue between Third Street and Fourth Street...

...he's back with news of its replacement:

Oh my! A Pudgie's-Nathan's-Arthur Treacher's action-packed combo!

And if Pudgie's is so famous, how come we've never heard of it?

Here's what we found. The healthy fried chicken!

So we guess this fills the need after the Pizza Hut-Nathan's-Arthur Treacher's combo made way for the Spaghetti Meatball Factory on 14th Street and Second Avenue...


An instant request for Spike... from 1980...


  1. wow, haven't seen or heard from a pudgie's in well over a decade. more friggin' chains.

  2. The sound you hear is me vomiting.

  3. Pudgie's is a rather funny name for a chain that sells healthier fried chicken.

  4. Nathan's has been around longer than King Gyro. Does that count for anything?

  5. I like Nathan's. Would get something to eat there before King Gyro.

  6. wait there's a spaghetti factory coming?

  7. @ EatAtRays

    Oops. Sorry. Meant Meatball Factory.

  8. I thought the same thing about the name. Well at least it's different - and not another Subway. It's a rather small place to stuff three different restaurants into though.
    I would also have been OK with a combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, just so I could tell people to meet me there

  9. The guys at King Gyro, who are now trying this, are the same guys who own Optimo Smoke Shop next door. They are super nice and great neighbors. When they open, I'm going to drag my vegan butt in there, hold my breath and buy some fries. I wish those guys success. Plus, there is the added attraction of it being kind of downscale...I hope it pisses Starbucks off!

  10. Skinless fried chicken is like alcohol-free "near beer." I want nothing to do with either one.

  11. all one can do is stand by and watch as the neighborhood collapses. those photos of a walk down first avenue as recently as 1997 are a graphic picture of what we are missing, and what will certainly follow.
    this neighborhood has had serious problems during the long time i've lived here. but we were a neighborhood. most of the store keepers had been here for generations and many landlords lived in their small buildings.
    i am not suggesting we all live in squalor and poverty, but there are other things to strive for along the road to wealth. money is now the quick fix that heroin used to be. and it's just as addicting.
    i m so depressed.

  12. "all one can do is stand by and watch as the neighborhood collapses."

    Will the local residents ever hold CB3 responsible for what they've allowed the neighborhood to turn into?

  13. worse could have been a cupcake/fro-yo/ramen combo [and applying for a liquor license and a sidewalk seatings]

  14. I thought we were safe from the unholy three-headed monster once that Nathan's/Pizza Hut/Treacher's on 14th/2nd had been driven out. What is this new mutation? Who will smote this beast? It is bad enough we are beset on all sides by these gorgons, Starbucks and her ghastly sister Subway.

  15. Now I can't get the Arthur Treachers Ori-gi-nal Fish aaaand chips song from the 70s out of my head! Damn you all!

  16. @ Spike

    Just made a long-distance dedication to you in the post...

  17. Why eat at any of these places when you can get a fresh salad from CVS! Valtrex and Creamy Ceaser? How New York [2012]!

  18. Is this open yet? I would absolutely love to get on the outside of some Nathan's fries and a hot dog or two...


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