Maybe not for too much longer... that block is on the, eh, block...

As the ad says, "Same great place. Brand new look."
A new look that doesn't include the current tenants. The space can be chopped up into several pieces... and even the second floor may be available...
My vote would be for a wholesale beer distributor with free delivery to the Palladium dorms.
Bring back the Lunch Box Cafe, the crappy old restaurant that used to be in this space, with the 1950s-style cherry red wood-shingled sign!
that building has a strange history.
in the 70's (and at least 80's) a group (i forgot their name) rented the ground floor second avenue side apartments in the building and made major renovations to the interior of the second avenue side of the building. i'm not sure if the had any ownership.
the building was FULL of regulated tenants.
If you're bringing back the Lunch Box Cafe, you should bring back Hammer's too.
Oh noes! Nathan's has the best fries in the world, and great hot dogs too! How will I live without them???
That's a strange building...40 years ago, HippieChick and her then boyfriend looked at the second-floor corner apartment to consider renting...no lights and a lot of rooms, but all opening off the inside corridor. Perhaps we were stoned, though, and it wasn't really that weird...not even for $200.
Wait a minute! Was there really an Arthur Treacher's in that space? I haven't seen one of those since I lived in Cleveland!
Oh yeah, EV Eats! Still there! Get there while you still can!
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