Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The remains of Furry Land are now in a dumpster on Avenue A

When we reported that the Marshal has seized Furry Land Pet Supplies on Avenue A the other day, several people hoped that this might just be a temporary setback for the store.

Apparently not. EV Grieve reader dwg pointed out yesterday afternoon that workers were clearing out the store and tossing things into the above dumpster.


  1. I saw this last night ... peeked in window, and the space is cleared out, save for a lone computer ominously sitting on the floor. The ATM outside is covered in black tarp. It does not look good, sad to say.

    Maybe an animal rescue group could be alerted to go dumpster dive there, because that thing has to be filled with perfectly good dog and cat food, litter, toys, etc.

  2. The store was seized because they refused to sell $15 cocktails as mandated by Bloomberg

  3. I also saw the contents of Furry Land being thrown into a dumpster but was even more surprised to see that SnakeMonkey, the long time artist space directly across the street, was also empty and workers were emptying out the remaining contents of the basement into a panel truck!

  4. WHAT????

    Ron Z. please tell me you did not say Snakemonkey is packing it in. Holy shit. Holy shit! WHAT IS HAPPENING??

    I'm freaking out (clearly). Something bad is going down. Stuyvesant Grocery really is getting replaced by an NYU dorm, isn't it? It's finally happening!

  5. Snakemonkey is moving to a new studio on East 10th Street.

  6. Thank you, Grieve. Whew.

    I'm super-paranoid lately. Can you tell? Ha ha. My private-equity landlord started painting the building interiors this week (apartment doors, hallways) and it's made me think that they've finally found a buyer for it. Because when do they do things like that otherwise? The building is already 90% dorm at this point anyway.

  7. So much bad news today.

    @LvV - stuff like that always sends me into a panic.

  8. Snakemonkey got priced out of his space, and someone new is coming in who will pay 5x the rent. The landlord helped Henry find a new space on 10th Street, much smaller but better than nothing. Sad to see him move though, I liked his constant existence on the street.

  9. Goggla, I know, right? It's like we've all just come to expect bad (and worse) news 24/7.

    Anon 7:05, thanks for the 411, neighbor. :)

    I'll miss Snakemonkey on the block as well... will definitely miss seeing Henry around (he's quite handsome, hee). I know Rachel Amodeo hasn't been there for awhile but sometimes I see her at the PO and that's always awesome. I don't know them personally, I live vicariously through their coolness, like Roberta from Desperately Seeking Susan


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