Thursday, January 12, 2012

So just how many Subways are there in the East Village?

Last Thursday, we broke the news that another Subway sandwich shop was opening here, this time on First Avenue between Sixth Street and Seventh Street...

There was some debate among readers about just how many Subways there are in the East Village. Being investigative hyperlocal journalists, we investigated...

1) Avenue B near 14th Street...

2) First Avenue near 13th Street

3) Second Avenue near Ninth Street

4) 14th Street near Second Avenue

5) Fourth Avenue near 12th Street

6) The Bowery near Great Jones

7) Houston between Avenue A and Avenue B

Christ, we're probably missing one... but between Houston and 14th, and Fourth Avenue to Avenue D, we think this is it. Seven. With one coming soon.

And the one at 108 First Ave. is already on the Subway website...

How many more Subways will arrive here become the apocalypse?


  1. I just don't understand it, when there are so many good normal delis around, why someone would go to Subway for a "prepackaged" sandwich with shitty meats.

    Also I hate how they default ask you if you want cheese on your sandwich. As if you were not adult enough to remember that A. you like cheese and B. you like it on your sandwiches.

    subway has absolutely no redeeming features.

  2. I just hate the smell of the place — that fake baked bread scent is overwhelming even from the sidewalk. The odor is impervious to laundry detergent. Walk by with the doors open, and your clothes will smell like, say, honey oat bread until you burn them.

  3. Don't forget the one on Allen and Delancey. Although since it's in the LES you may be thinking of disqualifying it since it's not exactly the "East Village".

  4. I actually like Subway because I can get a 300 calorie sandwich (without cheese) for less then $5 and sit down to eat it and be out in 10 minutes. I'm open to suggestions for delis in EV where I can do that.

  5. I ate at a Subway once and came out smelling like some kind of bastardized meatball sub. I walk by the Houston and Mulberry one every day, and you can smell it from 1-2 blocks in each direction.
    I strongly prefer the smell of the actual subway.

  6. I walk past Mulberry/Houston every day and have to hold my breath! You have to hand it to Subways, they've got to work REALLY hard to fuck up the smell of fresh baked bread.

  7. god this is just so d@mn disgusting.
    I bet there were zero in 1997.
    And i strongly second abrod.

  8. I don't know anyone who buys subway crap. People really need to stop buying shit at their stores and they'd close.

  9. "I strongly prefer the smell of the actual subway."

    I agree!

  10. Sunny & Annie's. Hands down.

  11. Houston and Crosby too! Or is that too nohoey?

  12. I've never eaten at a Subway in my life. This is not a snooty boast —— I just don't understand what use a town like New York has for such a chain when there's a great deli on every block waiting to make you a lovely fresh sandwich.

    Or are suburban transplants scared of ordering something they haven't seen on TV first?

  13. yes, indeed, suburban transplants are to ignorant to eat anything thats not been on TV. That is also the reason my neighbors in the East Village order in Papa Johns Pizza - shall we start a list of local pizza places that are better than that ? tsk tsk

  14. Ken from Ken's KitchenJanuary 12, 2012 at 1:22 PM

    I walk by the one on First Ave and 13th all the time, and there's NEVER ANYBODY IN IT. It's a mystery. How do they stay in business? Granted, I usually walk by in mornings, afternoons, and/or evenings, so maybe there are post-midnite mobs I'm unaware of...

  15. @Matthew with two T's:

    That is amazing — especially since Papa John's is located directly opposite Luzzo's. Terrifying.

  16. Chrystie just below Houston doesn't count?

  17. James - hard to compare Papa John's to Luzzo's. Luzzo's is amazing but will run you $25 for a pie, whereas Papa John's will deliver twice as fast and for half the price. It won't taste nearly as good, but you won't have to shell out an arm and a leg.

    For the record, I don't eat Papa John's.

  18. I am with you guys. I have some friends who like that smell coming out of subway, they dont eat there, but they like that smell. I almost gag from that smell, it is so all consuming, you can like chew on it, wow, almost gagging now writing about it.

  19. Whatever happened to the good old days when there was a Blimpies on every corner.

  20. @ James Campbell Taylor

    I think you nailed it. It's like people are too afraid to try something that hasn't been pre-approved by some marketing machine. It's like some sort of strange quality control.

  21. There was A Subway on 8th St @ University Pl in the 80s. Didn't eat there then, don't eat there now.

  22. im not a subway hater. i got it yesterday. buffalo chicken sub. i know good food and sometimes i go there anyway. but, you do seem to have a lot of subways in one neighborhood. manhattan is done. its good for the occasional visit.


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