Friday, April 6, 2012

[Updated] EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[On East Eighth Street, Bobby Williams]

Hear the "new" Joey Ramone single (Spinner)

The end of the city's rent regulation laws? (The Villager)

Proposed development for empty Rivington Street lots (BoweryBoogie)

At the East of Bowery reading at Sidewalk (Tripping With Marty)

A new era for Orchard Street shopping? (The Lo-Down)

The $14,000 penthouse at Blue on Norfolk (Curbed)

Here comes "MePa Creep" (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

5 years without Chumley's (Off the Grid)

The West Side Piers of the early 1980s (Gothamist)

An Alamo Drafthouse Cinema slated for the UWS (Eater)

Ruby's renovations under way on the Coney Island boardwalk (Brooklyn Paper)

DeNiro-less, Scorsese-less "Raging Bull 2" is really happening (IndieWire)

...and as you probably read this week, One World Trade Center has reached 100 floors... the view from the East Village...


And from EV Grieve reader Mike ...a little life at the old Life Cafe space this afternoon....


  1. Thanks for the link above to the piece in The Villager about threat the Surpreme Court poses to NYC's rent regulations. It is terrifying to think what will happen if this case makes it to the court and is decided in favor of the landlords. No one in the middle class or below would be able to afford to stay in the city. It is hard enough now.

  2. That's cool Ruby's is preserving some of the CI boardwalk that way. I wish them the best and look forward to their re-opening.

  3. Just a sidenote - I see Blogger is now allowing follow-up comments to posts. Hurrah!

  4. Noticed that too, Goggla. Blogger keeps on with a life of its own. Now, the most recent comments aren't showing up on the home page.

  5. @Anon 12:49 - I've been thinking a lot about this and am really afraid for the future of the city. As the article states, removal of the laws would mean the ruination of millions of people. There would have to be a mass exodus. In addition, many companies are leaving the city, taking jobs with them. If the city grows into a rich suburb, as some have speculated, what will sustain it? Will property values drop, or we will see entire neighborhoods of abandoned buildings again?

  6. Anyone else notice Zephyr's tag was carved from the wall by the bathroom?


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