Friday, April 6, 2012

[Updated] Something rammed this tree along Tompkins Square Park

Not sure how else to describe it... only noticed the damage this morning on Avenue B while walking around Tompkins Square Park...

Doesn't look like an accident...

Updated 2:11 p.m.

A photo from EV Grieve reader Steven shows more damage to the tree... the work of a truck, perhaps...


  1. this *really* looks like it was hit with a truck or something - the way the tree is split through like that it's not just a bunch of kids smacking it with a skateboard or something.

  2. I took pictures of this the other day, and I meant to send them but forgot. I'll send one now. I think it was an accident, if you look at the top branches.

  3. Looks like it was hit by a vehicle. An ax or hammer wouldn't be able to damage the interior of the base like that. Are they going to replace it with a macaroon shop?

  4. Ah, OK... I didn't look around too closely for other clues... I'll change the headline

    @ Liberation

    Macaroons are soooo March 2012.

    it will be a peanut brittle shop.

  5. @Grieve Not so fast! I need to know a little bit more before I can commit to the peanut brittle lifestyle.

    Will the peanut brittle shop be built using all natural, organic, sustainable, free-range, hydroponic pine? Will the peanut brittle come in an interactive, branded can that will both inspire and motivate? Will I be able to check into the shop on Foursquare? And how will the word 'Brooklyn' find it's way into the equation?

  6. @ Liberation
    whats wrong with sustainable and organic?

    Im bored ok

  7. @Hey19 In reality nothing at all. I just find these words tired as selling points. They're falling into 'amazing' and 'solutions' and 'extreme' and 'rethought' and 'reimagined' territory.

    Sorry. I write a lot of copy and am sensitive to this shit lol.

  8. I know I know, hey, I admitted I was bored when I asked... I dont like the idea of those becoming bad words, but I probably agree with you.

  9. looks like a lightning strike.


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