Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A quick East Village 7-Eleven inventory

Yesterday we took a look inside the 7-Eleven coming soon to St. Mark's Place near Second Avenue... in the former J.A.S. Mart space...

A recap of what's in store.

As we reported on Feb. 24, there's a 7-Eleven in the works for 813 Broadway near 12th Street ... the cheap-o DVD shop recently packed up and moved across the street...

And as we first reported on Jan. 18, a 7-Eleven will open next to IHOP on East 14th Street ... at the site of the shuttered Exquisite DVD Video store ...

Anyway, to the diagram map ... into the 7-Eleven zone...

Soon, you won't have to walk down to the Bowery 7-Eleven for your Cheeseburger Bites...

[Photo by EV Grieve reader William Klayer]


  1. The Axis of 11. We need some branding! I'll assemble a focus group!

  2. That map begs to be crawled. Chronological order? Any theme? Or is it enough to just eat something at every stop? No needs a theme...

  3. Good questions, hey19. Not sure what the art director had in mind here. I'll bring it up with the publisher when I meet her for breakfast at Michael's.

    Regardless, I see this more as a Run than a Crawl. You have to eat a Cheeseburger Bite on St. Mark's, then RUN to 14th Street for a Buffalo Chicken Taquito then off to Broadway for 72-ounces of something blue.

    Anyway, open to ideas...

  4. You could call it the Self-Destruction Run 2012

  5. Interesting that an NYU dorm is at the center of this Axis.

  6. @ nygrump
    or the Diabetes run, wait, that may actually be a real thing...

    I like it Greive, keep doing laps till.... something... happens.

    usual table at Michaels? Ill have a martini waiting.

  7. It's all well and good to run from 7-Eleven to 7-Eleven, but it's not a crawl till you have costumes! Hawaiian? Grass skirts, Aloha shirts, and Big Gulps!

    "Oh thank Kanaloa for 7-Eleven!"

    (Kanaloa is the old Polynesian sea god of death, darkness, water, and squid.)

  8. Yikes! Those cheeseburger bites look like something out of a Venereal Disease movie I saw in high school!

  9. Food flavored consumable pellet units for humanoids, get yours here.

  10. The Devil's Triangle.

  11. This sounds like competition for this disgusting event, The Krispy Kreme Challenge. Barf.

  12. Best part of the photo: "Bite de cheeseburger." It even sounds disgusting in when it's not in English!

  13. Those dogs remind me of those of Alex movie theater. They were from “from the silent era.” Paging Lloyd Braun.

  14. Have to admit that cylindrical price tag thingy is pretty ingenious. Still won't try a cheeseburger bite though.

  15. No 16 ounce drink limits here ! How do you think their neighboring competitors feel about that ? ! ? !


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