Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This is what the northwest corner of the Bowery and Great Jones looked like on April 1, 2012

This year, we'll post photos like this of various buildings, streetscenes, etc., to capture them as they looked at this time and place... The photos may not be the most telling now, but they likely will be one day...


  1. Thanks for another piece in the time capsule.

  2. I heart this corner! Nice shot!

  3. You just brought a tear to my eye with this shot. When I moved down here, mid 70s, the entire area was gas stations, Cooper Tire on 5th Street, and a Pizzeria between 5th & 6th.

  4. I just happened to have a photo up on flickr that was taken 10+ years ago here. Almost the same angle:

    I like it better then!

  5. Thanks, everettsville. That's a great shot. Seems like 100 years ago.

  6. I still can't get over how much this neighborhood is changing. I used to walk by that place all the time...


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