Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Surveillance camera captures purple-gloved bandit burglarizing an East 11th Street apartment

So the NYPD is looking for the man in the above video who was nabbed on a surveillance camera breaking into an apartment at 516. E. 11th St. Monday afternoon, according to WNBC. (516 is between Avenue A and Avenue B.)

The Post noted that the man in a purple T-shirt and matching gloves made off with an iPad, watch and wallet.

If you recognize him through that clever disguise, then you may call 800-577-TIPS.

Sorry that your have to watch a fucking commercial before viewing the tape. Thanks WNBC and New York Post!


  1. Who has a "surveillance camera" in their apartment?

  2. You have to love how the media profits from the crime!

  3. @ anon

    Was thinking about that myself...


    Ha! Exactly. Do they have to put ads on everything? This is video that the NYPD provided.

  4. I really hate thieves.

  5. Nice cargo shorts. Is that what you call a "broglar"?

  6. @Anonymous 10:46 AM: People with a PC and a webcam who:

    (a) suspect that their landlord/super is nosing around for no good reason,

    (b) want to see what their cat or dog is up to while they're away,

    (c) and, hopefully in this case, have evidence enough to bust a thief.

    Those are some of the reasons a person may have a surveillance camera in the apartment. I bet you can think of more :-)

  7. Purple gloves? Sounds like a warehouse agent collecting an artifact. Steve Job's iPad, perhaps?


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