Thursday, August 8, 2013

Breaking: Free cake, sandwiches at Rite Aid's grand reopening

The Rite Aid grand re-opening party is in FULL swing now on First Avenue and East Fifth Street.

Per a reader lured in by the Balloon Arc (trellis?):

Grand opening cake and sandwiches at rite aid! Lots of "new associate" nametags and as reported by earlier commenters, smiles and thank-yous.


  1. Ken from Ken's KitchenAugust 8, 2013 at 6:49 PM

    Rite Aid is lucky to have this store mgr -- he or she's really going the extra mile to attract new customers.

  2. Yeah, great, but where they serving biscuits???

  3. @9:27, no, but I'm sure there were plenty of high fives going around and offers to teach a Bake A Bone class once a month for a year.

  4. I'm one of the camp that favors Rite-Aid over Duane Reade; I mean, Duane Reade has even taken over some Rite-Aid locations, like the one down on Delancey and Ludlow.

    I remember shortly after Tropical Depression Sandy, we received a letter—yes, a form letter, but at least they spelled our names right—from the manager of the Rite-Aid on 5th street and Avenue D. He expressed concern for his neighbors, and added that if we needed prescriptions filled—since at the time power was out east of Avenue C, and was for several months—they were there to help.

    I didn't get over for the cake-and-sandwich party at the Rite-Aid on 5th and 1st, but you can bet I'll be over there soon. 24 hours? It's about time!

  5. The 1st Ave and 5th St store was maybe the only chain store open during the post-Sandy blackout. Took them a day or two to figure out what to do, but they had guys with flashlights taking people around inside.


  7. I can bring my dog into the Duane Reade.

  8. It's open 24 hours now?! Can't find any info to support that, but it'd make my day

  9. @abrod

    I swear there was a red banner atop the store announcing the new hours...

  10. the new rite aid is a trap! yes it is because that wacky mural, don't look at it! it rents space in your mind and next thing you'll be baking dog cookies and eating them yourself and you'll actually want to live inside that MURAL. butterflies are sexy.

  11. Only Rite Aid can de-gentrify the EV! Rite Aid on every corner!

  12. good for them

    between the mural and this, they are clearly interested in being a part of the community despite being a big-box drugstore.


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