Friday, July 11, 2014

Police say this man groped 2 women in Stuy Town

The NYPD is looking for a suspect in two "forcible touching incidents."

Per Gothamist:

The first incident occurred on Sunday, May 18, at around 2:52 a.m., when the man allegedly grabbed a 24-year-old woman's buttocks in the hallway of her apartment building near East 14th Street. Then on Sunday, June 15, at 2:05 a.m., the same suspect touched the buttocks of a 22-year-old woman inside the hallway of her apartment building on Stuyvesant Oval.

The suspect, who can be seen in the above surveillance footage, is a 25- to 35-year-old male, around 5-10 and 175-200 pounds.

Anyone with information may call Crime stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).


  1. Some things never change in Stuy Dorms! Rose Associates installed an "award winning" security years ago and it does nothing to prevent crime. To make it worse, when crimes are reported on the news, they list them as taking place in Gramercy. Always a shit show over there.

  2. And we paid up the ass for those goddamn "security" cameras. And fuck STPCV "Public Safety". I understand if they want them there for the yelling at bicyclists and dog owners and what not, but let's get real here--those dicks are not keeping anyone or anything "safe". They need a new name that is more apt, is all I'm saying.

  3. They keep Dunkin' Donuts safe!

  4. First off, thanks to that 'awful' security system we have very clear video of the assailant. Second, do you really expect our Public Safety officers to prevent 2am gropings? I am not making light of the incidents, but calling life in PCVST a "shit show" is ridiculous.

  5. I was actually thinking that the quality and clarity of the video was rather good compared to the grainy images that are often produced. I'm not sure they do nothing to prevent crime unless there is some evidence that says otherwise...though I don't live there so you could say I don't know what I'm talking about...

  6. The fact that they have video footage of this quality to identify and hopefully capture the suspect is a plus for the system.

  7. Stuy Town self-congratulates on the topicc of their award-winning security system and public safety but the fact is neither do anything to prevent crime. For example, the 300+ man running around a few years ago stabbing and robbing people in Stuy Town with an ice pick. Shouldn't be TOO hard to miss when he's a repeat offender and public safety is armed with cameras, SUVs, and a pretty big security force. Where are they? Huh? Buried in their smart phones half the time. Ask the victim how she feels about being charged monthly for a security force that does nothing to deter crime or stop it in action.

  8. The guy's FINGERPRINTS are on the door. Shouldn't be THAT hard to identify him....

  9. chris flash, They have to catch the guy first.

  10. I have to agree. As much as Stuy Town brags about their security force it does little to stop crime, drug use, and people dumping furniture and garbage in the lobbies.

  11. You think 10:44 is an appropriate comment. A "she was dressed like a slut" comment, dressed up in illiteracy and really bad comedy, this is OK? And the people who say it's maybe not OK, they're the ones up for criticism?

  12. I called security about a guy pissing out the window at a dorm party and they never came. They encourage students to move here to drive the rest of us out.

  13. Widow O'Brien it was inappropriate for me to mention your unspeakables the girdle in mixed company offending

  14. WTF @Anonymous @10:44 AM Are you freaking kidding? You are blaming the victims? Not funny. Pathetic.

  15. Ugh. Sorry. I missed the 10:44 comment. I deleted.

    1. Sticking with the Onion this blog caters to the narrow minded with potty mouths

  16. Once enjoyed this blog now find it offers only free speech to profanity and limited views off my reading list to pussy a blog to delete a post that expresses a position without vulgarity and allows imbeciles to provide off and false intentions of writers message

  17. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. Is it OK to say young ladies.need to be more careful? Especially after 2 am when they are intoxicated and half naked? I'm not blaming the victims but please be aware. I see these girls who are way too drunk and they can barely walk and 3 or 4 of them wander off. I'm afraid of something horrendous happening. I hope this guy gets caught but please be careful and aware.

  18. Who has said anything about either one of these victims wearing Daisy Dukes, being half naked, drunk, intoxicated, etc?

  19. Greedy ownership of Stuy Town has turned it into an NYU Dorm of "Daisy Duke" clad CO-EDS and I don't think anyone was giving a green light to ass grabbing of the unwanted kind. But you are walking around with a seeing eye dog if you think these young ladies are not too drunk in public and often too under dressed. You should not be a "victim" but on the other hand common sense says don't set yourself up to be one.

  20. Since he is striking late Saturday night, early Sunday morning, it's easy to draw the conclusion that his victims are returning home innebriated from a night of drinking. I'm not saying this is what happened, but it's a possibility. But her state and her dress, mentioned nowhere, doesn't give this disturbed guy the right to grope anyone.

    He's preying on these woman as you can see him sliding in in through the door behind them. Stuy Town has electronic key cards, like a hotel, so if he used a card, or an apartment buzzed him in, they'd know who we was by now.

    A few weeks ago I returned home late from a party myself around 4am. On Third Avenue and 11th there was a very innebriated young woman hailing a cab. She had a hard time standing. As a cab pulled up, a young guy comes up behind her and "helps" her into the cab and proceeds to get into the cab with her even though they don't know each other. What do you think his plan was? The cab driver yelled at him and the drunk woman pushed him out and the cab took off.

    These are the thinks that happen to young woman late at night when they get drunk and walk alone. This is a city. It may look safe during the day but at 4am, trust me, it's not. Pat attention to your surroundings and perhaps pass on the 15th drink.

  21. That's the clearest security cam footage I have ever seen. I suspect someone will identify this creep soon. For all the StuyTown residents complaining about your security, I wish I could afford to live in place that had any security! Try living in my shitty building where there are no security cameras. You've got it good compared to most New Yorkers.

  22. They charge us monthly for this "security" and it does nothing to prevent crime. Do you think the people he groped feel secure? Do you? Doubt it! We're not safe in our own buildings. People walk in whenever they want and steal our packages and roam the halls looking for opportunity. Is that safe? The college kids prop the doors open all the time because they seem to forget that this is a CITY. We have a public safety force that does nothing but hit on the young women who live here when they're not staring into their smart phones all day. Before you tell us how great we have it here, try living here in this criminal free for all for a while.

  23. We used to know our neighbors but the rent increases and subdivided apartments make sure the turn over is constant. As the other commenter noted, our packages get stolen, along with our bikes. The storage units get broken into. All security does is capture a photo. Any cheap camera can do that so it's infuriating they have all of this expensive technology at their finger tips and do nothing with it except charge us a monthly fee for it.

  24. The security is just there so the can advertise that they have security - and likely so that their insurance fees are lower. It won't have any impact on the current (in)security situation until someone gets stabbed or raped.

    It's a real estate company, not a property management company.

  25. CompassRock is an LLC used by CW Financial. They're not a real management company which is why Stuy Town gets the revues it gets on Yelp and various neighborhood blogs. They've turned it into a dormitory and basically let the kids do what ever they want with little to no repercussions. The fratmosphere negates the parks or any seemingly tranquil qualities the place may have.

  26. My sister had a security officer and an employee of Stuy Town walk into her apartment looking for a dividing partition wall (that never existed) while she was in the shower. They gave her no notice and let themselves in with a key. She moved out when her lease was up. The Yelp reviews have similar stories of tenant abuse.

  27. I hate it here. It's so noisy with the events, the construction, the parties.


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