Monday, May 9, 2016

Other Music is closing for good next month


Via the Other Music website:

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news that after more than 20 years in New York City, Other Music will be closing our doors on Saturday, June 25th. It’s been an incredible run for us, and we cannot thank you enough for the support and inspiration that you’ve given us over these past two decades. We’ve learned so much from you and are so grateful to have had your trust, curiosity, and passion as we’ve discovered and explored so much great music together since we first opened back in December of 1995. Times have changed, and soon we will be moving on, but in the coming weeks we hope you’ll come by and see us, dig through our racks, and reminisce about what has been a truly special era for all of us. We’ll also be announcing more events and celebrations soon, so stay tuned. Once again, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

The store's label, Other Music Recording Co. will continue.

Per The New York Times:

“We still do a ton of business — probably more than most stores in the country,” said Josh Madell, 45, a co-owner of Other Music, from behind the counter last week. “It’s just the economics of it actually supporting us — we don’t see a future in it. We’re trying to step back before it becomes a nightmare.”

Business has dropped by half since the store’s peak in 2000, when it did about $3.1 million in sales, said Chris Vanderloo, who founded the shop with Mr. Madell and Jeff Gibson after the three met as employees at the music spinoff of Kim’s Video in the early ’90s. (Mr. Gibson left Other Music’s day-to-day operations in 2001.)

Rent, on the other hand, has more than doubled from the $6,000 a month the store paid in 1995, while its annual share of the building’s property tax bill has also increased with the local real estate market.

The store is located on East Fourth Street between Lafayette and Broadway.


Anonymous said...

All the best. Thank you.

I actually didn't realize they had been there that long.

Anonymous said...

this is a terrible loss to music affecianados

nothing else of that caliber exists in the city

and NYC is that LESS richer again

Anonymous said...

2:09PM - Nothing else in Manhattan may exist like it, but Brooklyn has.

Ethan R said...

Ugh -
Just bought an LP and 2 CD's yesterday.
Other Music is on my weekend walk-a-bout - preferred place to buy music.

Another loss do to the rent hikes of NYC.

Whats the point of living in NYC when everything interesting certs priced out.
(And don't want to hear anything about the suburbs .. yes we could move across the river; but that is exactly the point I'm trying to make).

Anonymous said...

Michelin starred restaurant!
Cupcake store!
A record store themed "restaurant"!

Anonymous said...

Loved this place. Back during its halcyon days, I'd come through the spot at least once a week. Copped some good shit. Every now and then I'd stop by and rifle through the stacks, just to see if they had that one hard-to-find joint I'd been longing to luck into. Sometimes they did. The fact that they lasted this long in the digital downloading age is a wonder.

Another uniquely fun NYC place succumbs to the inevitable encroach of big money bland-ization. Hate to see you go, OM. *raises shot glass*

Anonymous said...

What are the remaining East Village record stores left?

Anonymous said...

Very sad, used their lists on the wall near the ceiling to pick out tons of music over the years.

Walter said...

@ 4:29 PM:

This is one of the few left:

EV Grieve said...

Aside from Good Records that Walter mentioned.... there's Academy on East 12th Street, A1 Records on East Sixth Street and Turntable Lab on East Seventh Street. And In Living Stereo on Great Jones at Broadway.

Anonymous said...

...and myriad empty storefronts all around the neighborhood for them to choose from... perhaps Mr. "C" will offer them a space as part of his plea deal.

Terrific store, and sad news.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I've migrated to mp3s and Spotify, but I still have hundreds of CDs, with a good portion purchased from Other Music in my collection.