The crane crew has been set up on Orchard Street and East Houston ...and the steel beams are rising at Ben Shaoul's latest condoplex...

...and via the Blogger Portal...

As previously reported about 196 Orchard St., there will be 94 units — studios to three-bedroomers ... with pricing starting at just under $1 million and measuring from 555 square feet.
Shaoul's reps applied for a special permit through the city’s Board of Standards and Appeals to open a three-level Equinox (gym) in the retail space.
As BoweryBoogie noted this past week, the first floor of the proposed gym will include a reception area, lounge and juice bar with the second and third floors reserved for the usual gym stuff.
Shaoul's reps will appear before CB3's Land Use, Zoning, Public & Private Housing Committee on June 15 to discuss opening a "physical culture establishment" under the current zoning restrictions. Find more details (PDF) here.
Updated 6-5
An update on the work...
...hope the neighbors don't mind...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Making way for Ben Shaoul's new retail-residential complex on East Houston
Katz's is now the last business on East Houston between Ludlow and Orchard
Send a salami to your boy next door in the condo
Corporate "culture" produces nonsense labels like "physical culture establishment" to sucker dumb people into thinking exercising indoors is now a cultural thing and worth paying more for. It also helps them think they are part of something sophisticated and more importantly exclusive.
Of that E. Houston horror-door.
Thanks to Katz for selling air rights to get this done. What a great addition to the neighborhood this will be.
The area has undergone a lot of change, Houston/Ludlow/Orchard/Allen has reached a point where a concentration of new skycraper and commercial looking buildings have overtaken the tenement buildings. A visit to the LES was like going back in time 100 years, now it like going to Murray Hill. Too bad the new buildings are ugly as hell.
...NYC as we knew it is so over, it hardly bears discussion.
Since most of these units will be bought and rented out its not exactly front and center, but tickled by some people getting pitched on these new lux buildings in "neighborhoods" and then being quite taken aback by the brunch and weekend crowd.
That structure looks like a parasite, like Alien or a tapeworm. The girders act as if talons are grabbing the building next to it. For the time being, that development is the perfect symbol for the Gentrification Industrial Complex and the absolute acquiescence of every elected official from park row to the area district to the whims and sick desires of the predator developers and the luxury slumlords.
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