The one level row of storefronts on East Houston between Ludlow and Orchard are now business-free with the exception of Katz's.
Empanada Mama is the last to bow out...

[Photo via @fnytv]
They aren't going to far away as the sign notes — 95 Allen St., as first reported by BoweryBoogie.
So everyone else, including Ray's Pizza, Bereket and Lobster Joint, among others — have closed or moved to make way for Ben Shaoul's new development... Oh, there it is!

Shaoul's latest is a 10-story building with 83 residential units spread out over 95,000-square feet... plus 13,500 square feet of ground-floor retail.
Katz's, who sold their air rights to help make this happen, isn't going anywhere.
H/T EVG reader Chris F.
I really liked that Disney cheesesteak place. Coronary in a (very large) bun, but tasty nonetheless.
I will never set foot in Katz's for selling their air rights to Shaoul. Anyone who does business with Shaoul shouldn't get a nickel from any of us. He is a very, very bad man. Shame on you Katz, your greed is bigger then your salami.
Have not been in Katz's in decades, I was grossed out last time I was there, but I know a lot of people have some "comfort food" attachment to the place. We have the owners to thank for the new hulking building going into this block due to the air rights sale. I doubt anyone moving into that new building would ever step food in that grease haven.
A pox on Katz's. They rake it in non-stop as it is from the throngs of tourists who now patronize the place, but still they feel they have to doom the neighborhood to yet another soul-sucking bland hipster- or bro/ho-filled box? Enjoy your filthy lucre, you filthy pigs.
They would be fools not to. There is more business to be had from the younger more affluent newcomers than an increasingly small bunch of bitter old men.
So many morons on this site. Katz's Forever. They're sitting on gold, would be stupid not to sell the air rights. Be glad they didn't sell the whole building.
Screw Katz's! And the two morons above my comment 3:24 & 8:41.
Horrific shitbox of a "building" (Lego set construction) that make NYC more of an Anytown, usa... empty, vapid, white bread and mayonnaise people coming to a city that once set and raised the bar in every area.
Troll city, begone.
Too bad the owners of Katz's were a party to this but not surprising somehow.
Preach Gojira...this is more poorly scaled development...
Infrastructure not equal to the density...blah blah blah!!
Especially gas and water but who is minding the store!
Architecture as cheap commodity. The degradation of our city, our habitat, our lives. The product of corrupt, greedy, arrogant men.
Just because there is alot of money to be made doesn't mean it's the right thing to do, otherwise we should all become crack dealers and sell what's left of our souls to Ben The Ghoul Shaoul.
Wait until all the new gentrifiers who move in start complain about how the late night noise, smell and garbage from Katz's is pushing down ther property values, maybe then Katz's will see the error of their ways.
These people won't be customers, they will be whiners like the guy who forced the Halal cart to move away from his front door because it bothered him. These people want fois gras with mayo on a stick, and they demand Chipotle, not salmonella with mustard on rye. Sorry but it looks like Katz's helped to eventually gentrify themselves and all their neighbors out of existence.
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