Several readers alerted us to the Joe Strummer mural outside Niagara on East Seventh Street and Avenue A … where Dr. Revolt has touched up his mural … giving Joe Strummer a decidedly more Joe Strummer look, complete with new sunglasses, leather jacket, hairstyle...

[June 2014]
good job Dr. Revolt!
Wow, that's the first time it's looked even remotely like him.
Great work. That mural is Poppin!
Is that Luke Perry?
It's dreamy Ryan Gosling.
Much improved! I dig it a ton more than the young Andrew Dice Clay that sat in Joe's place for so long. Thanks for keeping the seat warm, Dice Man.
MUCH better! Thanks! (Agree with Anon. 6:57.)
Great, now how 'bout graffiti-proof, sticker-proof fiberglass over the mural so no one can deface it?
Maybe it is time once more for a Gringo Aka John Spacely wall after all we all knew him
I am an art conservator on 5th street, and if there is any interest in protective coatings for this mural, please feel free to contact me through my website flyingpigartconservation.com
Sweet 9:14 John spacely was a icon in his day .... Go Gringo RIP
YEAH MAN, looks soooo much more like him. OUTSTANDING JOB Dr. Revolt.
Thank you again, REVOLT! Best one yet.
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