The down-but-not-out Gem Spa on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place has been transformed into a "Schitibank" — "A New concept bank, in New York's bohemian East Village," per the new signage. (Thanks to the EVG reader for the photo!)
A nice touch ahead of the #SaveNYC cash mob here Saturday (Sept. 14) from noon to 2 p.m.
There have been rumors that the landlord here is interested in a Citibank for this venerable corner. More background in the links below...
Updated 8:30 a.m.
Ah! Jeremiah Moss has much more on this "vivid dystopian vision of the new St. Mark's Place."
The Schitibank project features bohemian East Villagers — Jean-Michel Basquiat and Patti Smith (on Schitibikes), Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, Ted Berrigan, the New York Dolls, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Gem Spa's own Candy the Cat (smoking weed).

[Photo by J. Moss]
Previously on EV Grieve:
• A cash mob Saturday at Gem Spa (Sept. 10)
• Get your Gem Spa t-shirts or photos of Madonna — at Gem Spa! (Aug. 16)
• Will you buy a Gem Spa T-shirt? (June 28)
• The Gem Spa Zoltar is alive and well and telling fortunes an L-train ride away in Bushwick (June 19)
• "Gem Spa is open!" (June 18)
• What is happening at Gem Spa? (June 11)
• A visit to Gem Spa (May 10)
SO MUCH FOR 'eye' witness :)
Will there be a branch opening in Schitt"s Creek?
How much longer until they get their cigarette & lottery licenses back?
There's no messing with Candy the Cat; when I was there earlier today, I saw her kick a bulldog's ass!
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