Saturday, July 20, 2024

Saturday's opening shot

Someone tagged a window at the new office building going up at 1-3 St Mark's Place at Third Avenue. Somone also called 911 to report it last night, per the Citizen app.


Anonymous said...

Ugh. All neighborhoods are not like this. Carlina needs to come up with a plan with the NYPD to get this under control. This is not art.

Carol from East 5th Street said...

Big deal. Did this really merit a 911 call?

Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t the headline say “Vandalized” instead of “Tagged”?

Ade said...

What about all the illegal flyposting adverts done by big brands that are an even more prolific blight? Oh yeah, that's all about money, so NYPD or the mayor aren't going to upset the businesses that pay into the political lobbying/influence/corruption fund.
Plus, Saint Mark is obviously the patron saint of tagging

Ade said...

It says "1-3 Saint Mark's Place", so he was just following instructions lol

Anonymous said...

WTF is wrong with people? This is just wrong. Vandalism is a crime. Accountability should follow for the perpetrators who did this.

Ade said...

When it's buffed off it will be renamed Ain't Marks Place

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:07. Because that form and action of graffiti is tagging. Tags used to be relatively small, often in unexpected places and you would not cover big graffiti pieces.

seedyfilmz said...

Anyone want to talk about how the building itself is much more of an eyesore and offense to the aesthetics of the neighborhood than any tag?

Anonymous said...

building this hideous structures is a crime

Anonymous said...

oh so now everyone likes the new building? just yesterday we were bemoaning it's very existence....

Anonymous said...

The crime is the building itself. And others of its ilk. Pearl-clutching, 911-dialers should be prosecuted for misusing emergency resources.

Sarah said...

I don't expect the building's owners to be happy about the tag but 911? Can everyone who hates being here just move to Westchester or whatever now?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I get it. Not like “tagging” is some hip new phrase. The point is, defacing someone else’s property is still
Vandalism. I miss the old,
Pre-corporate EV as much as anyone. I resent the big money intrusion as well. I walked past the Ringo Mural on St. Mark’s every day, on my way to pick up
Some inexpensive takeout pierogi from Leshko’s or the Kiev to my firetrap sublet across from TS Park. Years Before the Death Star and the NYU Lego Dorms. I remember chatting with Paul as he was owning Paul’s Place, and taking dates out for Indian Food on Sixth Street.
place. But that still doesn’t mean I have a right to inflict costly damage on somebody else’s property. And I think EVGrieve,
One of my go-to daily destinations, can do better than to give such vandals the attention they crave.

Anonymous said...

@7:18pm: So you're in FAVOR of vandalism? Why do you think you can tell me and everyone else in this neighborhood that we must "hate being here" simply b/c we'd like to live in a semi-decent society?

I think *you* should move! Preferably to an edgier neighborhood where tagging is EVERYWHERE; somewhere in the Bronx or Brooklyn perhaps. Because YOU are the odd person out in this discussion.

I sure as hell would call 911 if I saw that happening. And I'd be likely to grab my camera or cell phone to try to get a clear image of the cretin involved to share with the NYPD.

Anonymous said...

I too, resent the big ugly presence of these buildings without character and dearly miss the EV’s mostly 6-story skyline (plus steeples). There are
Many things in this world that I
Would rather not have to look at, while pondering the social forces and changes they represent. And I have admired unique, clever, and skillfully executed , unauthorized “public art” over the decades. But that doesn’t mean that I can condone the defacing of other people’s property at significant cost, Especially when the artist exhibits little more talent than a preschooler who scrawls their name on the classroom wall with a fat crayon for attention, or to vent an inner rage that they are not yet old enough to articulate.

Anonymous said...

This must be
the tenth time this week that I’ve seen someone refer to the clutching of pearls. How about coming up with your own, updated take on what you are trying to describe?

Anonymous said...

There’s so much ugly vandalism on buildings in the EV. It’s a disgusting display of identity crisis by self-deluded wanna pre artists.

Sleepless in EV said...

Graffiti = Vandalism
Simple as that.

Stop trying to rationalize infantile, narcissistic, destructive, illegal, criminal behavior absolutely bereft of any redeeming social value - especially to those who have to experience their unintelligible, moronic scribblings everyday.

If they were such "AR-TEASTS" they would be getting paid to paint murals, pieces, canvasses or what-ever. All they do is deface other people's properties and lives.

Get a clue.

Anonymous said...

Vandalism used to be a crime! But we can't turn NYC into Disneyland, right?!

Anonymous said...

Somone is a really good neighbor...

Anonymous said...

I agree this is atrocious! Only one tag? The building should be covered!