Showing posts with label Joey Ramone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joey Ramone. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Looking for Joey Ramone Place

I wrote about the Joey Ramone drink at Peels on Monday.... some people pointed out that this actually made some sense seeing as Peels is on the corner of Second Street and the Bowery — aka Joey Ramone Place.

True. So I thought I'd walk by and check out the street sign. Don't recall seeing it lately.... So I looked...

...and looked...

...and looked...



Oh! There it is way up there!

For a moment, I thought the sign had been ripped off again. (Or removed by the city.) How many times has it been stolen anyway? Five? So now it's up there pretty high ... out of the reach of thieves... The sign first went up in November 2003.

Also, the Times has a great piece from October 2001 ... when the idea of Joey Ramone Place came before CB3. According to the article: "only two of the eight board members said they had heard of his band, the Ramones." They even asked for a Ramones primer...

Today's drink special: The Joey Ramone

Speaking of The Joey Ramone... an old friend of Joey's sent this photo along...

It's the work of rock photographer Joe Stevens (aka, Captain Snaps), who gave me permission to post the picture ...

Monday, September 20, 2010

On the Peels drink menu: The Joey Ramone (aka, this week's sign of the apocalypse)

A reader sent along a photo of the Peels drink menu... Hmm.

Booze-infused milkshakes ... The Bond Street Swizzle.... Purple Lady ... Jamaican Bug Juice ... Corn N' Oil ...

The JOEY RAMONE?!?!? With apple brandy, lime juice and concord grape juice (or concord grape wine??). I don't get it.


Anyway, the reader also noted that the food is really good at Peels.


Hmm... been more discussion on this than I anticipated.... And one reader thinks this makes sense since Peels is on the corner of the Bowery and Second Street — aka Joey Ramone Place.

Friday, November 20, 2009

ONE reason to go to a Barnes and Noble

Meanwhile, as Jeremiah has discussed, this is Independent Bookstore Week. As he wrote, "go visit an indie and buy their books -- before it's too late."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Something for Joey

This Ain't the Summer of Love reminds us that yesterday marked the 8th anniversary of Joey Ramone's death. Alex also marks the date at Flaming Pablum.

By the way, his 2009 Birthday Bash is coming up on May 19 at the Fillmore/Irving Plaza.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Kids are Alright

1998. Coney Island High. Joey Ramone and the Dictators.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Forget James Cramer and his ilk, how would Joey Ramone invest in this troubled market?

Given our recessive economy, Theresa K. at Punk Turns 30 asks a sensible question, Where is stock market wiz Joey Ramone when you need him? Indeed! As she notes, "While Joey Ramone made his mark in public singing songs like 'Teenage Lobotomy' and 'Cretin Hop' and seeming to endorse a loser way of life . . . in reality, he was very well aware of his stock portfolio. Yes, the man had investments. He was no dummy although he played one on (m)TV."

This article in the Guardian UK from July 2006 examines the friendship Ramone struck with the Money Honey, CNBC's Maria Bartiromo. At first, though, she igonored his e-mails when they first appeared in 1998. Probably just another weirdo!

After a while though, curiosity got the better of her and Bartiromo, arguably the most recognisable business journalist in the United States, replied. "I started getting e-mails from him and he would say Maria, what do you think about Intel or what do you think about AOL and I thought who is this person emailing me? It's crazy, he's calling himself Joey Ramone," she recalls. "Sure enough it was him and we developed this friendship. And he was attuned to the markets. He really understood his own investment portfolio. Joey Ramone was a fantastic investor."

Ramone, of course, also wrote the song "Maria Bartiromo," which appeared on 2002's "Don't Worry About Me," the first posthumous release to come from his estate.

As the song goes:

What's happening on Wall Street
What's happening at the stock exchange
I want to know
What's happening on Squawk Box
What's happening with my stocks
I want to know
I watch you on the TV every single day
Those eyes make everything OK
I watch her every day
I watch her every night
She's really out of sight
Maria Bartiromo
Maria Bartiromo
Maria Bartiromo

Bartiromo had this to say about the track:

"He said to me Maria, I wrote a song about you and he said just come down to CBGBs in Manhattan, be there at midnight. I said, Joey, I'm sorry to tell you but I have to be on the air at 6am and I can't be anywhere at midnight except in my bed, so I didn't go." Instead, at Ramone's urging, she sent a camera crew. "Sure enough, the cameraman came back with the tape and there's him and his band with this song Maria Bartiromo and I just love it. It's a tremendous tribute. I just love that. It's great, just great."

Here are two versions of the song....the first with some Money Honey cheesecake...