After six-plus months in business, Lab -320° has closed at 27 St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue...

The owners announced the closure of the hand-rolled ice cream shop on Facebook on Dec. 30...

Lab -320° began its tenure as Lab -321, which did not amuse the owners of -321° Ice Cream Shop in Brooklyn ... who sent along a cease-and-desist letter. (And it likely didn't help Lab -320° that the popular 10Below Ice Cream opened up at 42 1/2 St. Mark's Place later last year.)
The previous longtime tenant at 27 St. Mark's Place, The Sock Man, closed last January after a reported rent hike via landlord Raphael Toledano. Sock Man owner Marty Rosen later opened a new location in late November at 99 1/2 St. Mark's Place.
Lab -320° was the fourth shop to open in 2016 in the East Village serving the traditional Thai street food ... Roll It Up on Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue closed in November for the season...

Signage on the gate points to an April 2017 reopening...

Thanks to EVG correspondent Steven for all the photos!
Previously on EV Grieve:
Here's the rolled ice cream shop taking over the former Sock Man space on St. Mark's Place