Showing posts with label Ray's Candy Store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ray's Candy Store. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Avenue A, 8:09 p.m., Oct. 4

At the memorial for Bob Arihood outside Ray's. More photos tomorrow.

Photo by Faces.

Reminders: Candlelight vigil tonight at Ray's for Bob Arihood

Shawn Chittle and Lindsay Wengler are organizing tonight's vigil. Per their message:

We wanted to put together a candlelight vigil for Bob in front of Ray's at 8 pm.

Please tell people to bring a candle and or flowers, photos of Bob or photos Bob took. We all think instead Bob would want people to just buy something from Ray's in his memory!

We are presenting Ray with a framed portrait of Bob to hang up so he's always watching over Ray.

Meanwhile, many people have written tributes to Bob. Here are some of them.

Slum Goddess

Single Linds Reflex

Jeremiah's Vanishing New York

The Gog Log

Marty After Dark

Runnin' Scared

NY Through the Lens

East Village Corner


Shawn Chittle


Monday, October 3, 2011

Candlelight vigil for Bob Arihood Tuesday night at Ray's

[Photo by Steven Hirsch]

Shawn Chittle and Lindsay Wengler passed along this information:

We wanted to put together a candlelight vigil for Bob in front of Ray's at 8 pm Tuesday.

Please tell people to bring a candle and or flowers, photos of Bob or photos Bob took. We all think instead Bob would want people to just buy something from Ray's in his memory!

We are presenting Ray with a framed portrait of Bob to hang up so he's always watching over Ray.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ray vs Irene, Round 1

Been a long day for Ray... Photo by faces.

[Updated] Hurricane, schmurricane: Ray's will be open all day — and night

Ray said he's be there all day and night. Unfortunately, the day shift couldn't make it in. So Ray is on his own.

Melanie has more photos of Ray ... and his makeshift quarters for the storm.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

'How to Make it in America' films at Ray's Candy Store

Last Monday, Ray was busy cleaning a DOH-shuttered store on Avenue A... And this past Monday (uh, yesterday), a reopened Ray's was the backdrop for a scene from the HBO show "How to Make it in America."

The film crew was lined up along Avenue A...

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Meanwhile, Bob Arihood has an anecdote on the filming here.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Today in product placements for Ray's, Coca-Cola

After the DOH gave Ray's Candy Store the OK to reopen yesterday afternoon, Dave on 7th was on hand to greet the first official customer since the closure on Monday ...


[Bob Arihood]

Bob Arihood delivers the good news about Ray's at Neither More Nor Less.

Live: The DOH inspection continues at Ray's

Maria, who has been cleaning Ray's around the clock...

The tabulation continues...

Photos by Dave on 7th

[Updated] Live: DOH inspector inside Ray's Candy Store


Per Dave on 7th:
"It just became a tourist attraction.
People looking for a good egg cream.
More lost sales."

Photos by Dave on 7th.

Developing: Today may be the last chance for Ray's

Shit Week Continues at Ray's. Per Bob Arihood at Neither More Nor Less, today may be the last inspection for Ray before the DOH intervenes. Bob writes: "We don't know at this time if this means expensive major renovations and new equipment too."

Renovations and equipment that Ray can't afford. Thus, the end of Ray's. Not that we're jumping to the worst-case scenario right away or anything.

Read Bob's post here.

Ray's now 0-4 vs. the DOH this week

Despite visits from an exterminator and epic cleaning sessions, the DOH inspectors continue to find things to keep Ray's Candy Store from reopening. As Bob Arihood reports at Neither More Nor Less, an inspector returned to the Avenue A shop yesterday. Third fourth time this week; fifth different inspector (they sent two at once, uh, once), who are all motivated to find violations, naturally. After two hours, the inspector found a few mouse droppings as well as a restroom door that didn't close properly. As Bob writes: "This inquisition could go on forever and Ray's Candy Store will never open.

Bob has more thoughts on all this in another post. In part, he writes:

We have to say here that though we are aware that Ray is not without fault what this city is doing to him and to other small businesses is wrong. With this soulless ravenous beast of a city administration at the door of every small business regularly, few will survive.

Read the whole thing here.

Photo by Dave on 7th taken Monday morning before the first inspection.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A cleaner Ray's still not clean enough for the DOH

Speaking of Ray's Candy Store... We've heard from several residents who worked till the wee hours of the morning helping Ray clean up his shop after the DOH closure on Monday.

Unfortunately, despite an improvement, the cleaner space wasn't enough to pass muster with the DOH. As Bob Arihood reports at Neither More Nor Less, an inspector found more mouse droppings upon a return visit yesterday afternoon.

Also in front of Ray's — Jewels wiggles his dick at the NYPD. Bob has that post here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More trouble for Ray's; additional $2k fine levied, food tossed

Bob Arihood at Neither More Nor Less has a report on yesterday's DOH closure of Ray's Candy Store on Avenue A. According to a news report, despite the DOH closure, Ray decided to stay open so that he could make his rent. Unfortunately, the DOH returned at 4:30 yesterday afternoon and slapped Ray with a $2,000 fine for defying the order. In addition, as Bob reports, Ray had to toss all of his food products and immediately close. Bob has a lot more details here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
DOH shutters Ray's Candy Store

Monday, May 16, 2011

Avenue A, 8:11 p.m., May 16

Lights are on, but no one was inside.

DOH shutters Ray's Candy Store

Terrible news via EV Grieve contributor Dave on 7th... The DOH paid a visit to the venerable Ray's Candy Store on Avenue A this morning ...

Per Dave, the DOH has shuttered Ray's for the time being... We'll have more soon...

The latest inspection hasn't been posted yet. The last inspection was Nov. 10, where Ray's received 15 points, including for "Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."

Friday, February 4, 2011

EMTs escort LES Jewels from Ray's

The NYPD and FDNY EMTs were called to Ray's where L.E.S. Jewels had collapsed yesterday afternoon around 3, Bob Arihood notes.

Witnesses said that the Ray's counter person had called 911 several times earlier because Jewels had allegedly accosted and threatened a customer inside the store.

As Bob's photo shows, EMTs removed the restrained and unresponsive L.E.S. Jewels from the store and took him to a hospital.