PaTea is opening its second NYC location at 227 E. 14th St. between Second Avenue and Third Avenue... Per the signage: "The first Stubby Cup in the East Coast."

Here's more about the company:
[W]e are a family owned business and we strive to bring the authenticity of Taiwanese bubble tea to everyone.
The name “Patea” is from the concept of “It’s Party Time”. Our passion is to bring joy and a fun experience to all customers while experimenting on some of the newly innovated flavors.
The first PaTea opened at 135 Mott St. in 2013.
The previous tenant here, a mobile phone business, came and went very quickly.
Meanwhile, directly across 14th Street, the sign is now up for the incoming Pink Bear Ice Cream, which specializes in rolled ice cream...

Also directly across the street, another bubble tea shop.