[Random flat tire photo from the Internet]
From the EVG reader mailbag:
What happened to all the auto tire repair/flats fixed places? Are there any left? I need a tire repaired.
Let's see. Downtown Auto & Tire left the Bowery two years ago. The BP station on Second Avenue is gone now.
Um. I thought there was one on East Houston between Clinton and Attorney. Nope! The Mobil station on East Houston and Avenue C? Nope! No tire service.
So anyone know where you get a flat tire fixed around here? Seemed as if there were several around here not that long ago...
We often get reader queries ... asking for help with, say, donating clothes or books ... or finding an East Village-based caterer... If you have a question for the masses, then try the EV Grieve email...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader mailbag: Places to eat that have that old East Village vibe (45 comments)
Reader mailbag: What do I do about my new neighbors who smoke pot all the time? (52 comments)
Reader mailbag: Where is a good place to get a cup of coffee in the East Village before 6 a.m.? (25 comments)
Reader mailbag: What has happened to the Cooper Station Post Office? (41 comments)
Reader mailbag: Can the landlord 'drill' the lock to gain access to my apartment for simple repairs? (15 comments)
Reader mailbag: Should we receive a rent abatement for having sporadic heat and hot water?
Reader mailbag: How often does your mail get delivered?