We watched the annual Drag March

[Photo by editrrix]
We bid farewell to the Blarney Cove

We saw a random bouncy castle out back of the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer on East Fourth Street

We came together to help a gravely injured employee of East Village Farm and Grocery

[Photo via @Xeus]
We got to hang out with Iggy Pop in 1993.

We mourned Arturo Vega

We rooted for Ray getting an A
[Shawn Chittle]
We learned that Midtown South has new boundaries.

We met Treeman
[EVG reader Jeremy]
We watched Katz's turn 125
[Photo by Stephen Popkin]
We talked a lot about Citi Bikes, one way or another
We took in Art Around the Park during the Howl! Festival
[Bobby Williams]
We found new uses for Citi Bikes

[Photo by Julius Klein]
We lined up to say bye to Max Fish

[Photo by @toddsines]
We saw the end of Tu Casa's mural

[EVG reader Ann]
We went on vacation for the first time

We watched Katie Holmes on Avenue B

[EVG reader Vinny]
We took care of a baby bird

We found ways to cool off.

We watched Mary Help of Christians disappear

[Dan Efram]
We saw people write things on where David Schwimmer will live

[EVG reader Marc]
We had our last meal at Odessa Cafe and Bar

We almost fell into this...

We watched the Joe Strummer mural get blasted into oblivion
[Bobby Williams]
We looked for 13 Portals

[Jim Flynn]
We learned about Nestor

We watched a man steal a bike

We welcomed an actual normal new restaurant

We marveled at Rite Aid

We learned that the 9th Precinct illegally recruited a player for its basketball team

[Slum Goddess]
We took this photo

We went to the Tompkins Square Park riot 25th anniversary shows...
[Bobby Williams]
We enjoyed many amazing sunsets...
[Bobby Williams]
Summer is too short and ends too soon. I hate it!!! Not looking forward to the long cold winter.
...thanks for the memories!
Heh, I loooOOooove fall and winter. Can't wait! This muggy, sweaty weather is for the birds!!!!
Oh, yeah. Nestor. Ha ha! What a maroon.
I'll always remember it as Summer of the Hoof.
Ugh. Heard from Zoltar's people. He is pissed that he wasn't included.
Ross was, is, and never will be cool.
EVG, Thanks much for keepin' on keepin' on.
.....but, dammit, I'm SURE that Bobby is a MAGIC (Bionic) Hawk......he's freakin' EVERYwhere!
The Summer of Hoboken Hoof! Or Not Amanda Bynes. Or Lady Chunder. Decisions. Decisions.
That was great! Loved it. Love this blog. :)
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