We watched the annual Drag March

[Photo by editrrix]
We bid farewell to the Blarney Cove

We saw a random bouncy castle out back of the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer on East Fourth Street

We came together to help a gravely injured employee of East Village Farm and Grocery

[Photo via @Xeus]
We got to hang out with Iggy Pop in 1993.

We mourned Arturo Vega

We rooted for Ray getting an A
[Shawn Chittle]
We learned that Midtown South has new boundaries.

We met Treeman
[EVG reader Jeremy]
We watched Katz's turn 125
[Photo by Stephen Popkin]
We talked a lot about Citi Bikes, one way or another
We took in Art Around the Park during the Howl! Festival
[Bobby Williams]
We found new uses for Citi Bikes

[Photo by Julius Klein]
We lined up to say bye to Max Fish

[Photo by @toddsines]
We saw the end of Tu Casa's mural

[EVG reader Ann]
We went on vacation for the first time

We watched Katie Holmes on Avenue B

[EVG reader Vinny]
We took care of a baby bird

We found ways to cool off.

We watched Mary Help of Christians disappear

[Dan Efram]
We saw people write things on where David Schwimmer will live

[EVG reader Marc]
We had our last meal at Odessa Cafe and Bar

We almost fell into this...

We watched the Joe Strummer mural get blasted into oblivion
[Bobby Williams]
We looked for 13 Portals

[Jim Flynn]
We learned about Nestor

We watched a man steal a bike

We welcomed an actual normal new restaurant

We marveled at Rite Aid

We learned that the 9th Precinct illegally recruited a player for its basketball team

[Slum Goddess]
We took this photo

We went to the Tompkins Square Park riot 25th anniversary shows...
[Bobby Williams]
We enjoyed many amazing sunsets...
[Bobby Williams]