Friday, March 6, 2020

Coffee time: New counter space coming to Gem Spa

Work started yesterday on new counter space inside Gem Spa, the corner shop on Second Avenue at St. Mark's Place (thanks to Steven for the photos!) ...

With the incoming granite counter and retro stools, Parul Patel, who recently took over running the shop from her father Ray, is expanding Gem Spa's coffee and tea service and offering companion items like pastries, bagels and knishes. (FYI: the coffee will be from Porto Rico Importing Co.) You can also get one of their signature egg creams.

In addition to the counter service, Gem Spa continues to expand the merch line with some limited editions...

Previously on EV Grieve:
• At the Gem Spa Cash Mob (Sept. 16)

• Get your Gem Spa t-shirts or photos of Madonna — at Gem Spa! (Aug. 16)

• Will you buy a Gem Spa T-shirt? (June 28)

• "Gem Spa is open!" (June 18)

• What is happening at Gem Spa? (June 11)

• A visit to Gem Spa (May 10)


  1. Best news ever! Congrats Parul and family. You are amazing and we can't wait to visit!

  2. You don't fight change, you lead it.

  3. This is what I said they should do, back in an earlier post when they started selling tshirts to stay afloat.

  4. Carol from East 5th StreetMarch 6, 2020 at 9:56 PM

    Yay! Go Gem Spa go!

  5. I walked by the other day and it was all about the juuls, so I was not impressed. Pastries etc. might work if they are housemade and delicious, or something special to Gem Spa.

  6. I love this idea. I will definitely stop by for coffee. I am with the other poster on the juuls. No need to sell that crap. They're going to get in trouble again like they did with cigs. Just get rid of that junk.

  7. Saving Gem Spa would make a good documentary.


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