Thursday, September 26, 2024

An Eric Adams reader

Photo from Tompkins Square Park in May 2023 by Stacie Joy

It's the story dominating headlines today here and across the country: Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on five federal public corruption charges, including bribery and wire fraud — the first for a sitting New York City mayor. 

He defiantly said today he will fight the charges... and has no plans to resign as he faces these criminal charges.

Here's his press conference today, where he was initially drowned out by protestors (The City)... 
Here's a collection of headlines about this ongoing story... 

• What we know about the investigations surrounding Adams (The Associated Press with live updates

• Read the Adams indictment (NBC 4

• Investigations, resignations, indictment: A timeline of Mayor Adams' troubles (Gothamist

• Live ongoing coverage at NBC News here

• Eric Adams promised to be a mayor unlike any New Yorkers had ever seen. Much about him remains head-scratching. (The New York Times

• Who is Jumaane Williams? If Eric Adams resigns, the NYC public advocate becomes mayor. (CBS News)


Anonymous said...

He needs to RESIGN asap

OlympiasEpiriot said...

This is utterly unsurprising.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to defend the job he's done as Mayor or his cronyism or most aspects of his tenure. However finding a temporary workaround so that Turkey's UN HQ can open with their President/Prime Minister visits seems like a reasonable thing to do.

Anonymous said...


Exterminator said...

This guy has been a bum since the get go.
He’s a disgrace. I hope he likes bologna

Edmund J Dunn said...

His press conference held OUTSIDE (?) City Hall was a horror show, worthy of Rudy's CF Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference. It was blasted on Twitter and George Takei had the best burn:

"BREAKING: NYC Mayor Eric Adams reveals Parkinson’s diagnosis."

Anonymous said...

The most audible and persistent of the protesters outside of that shameful excuse for a press conference was none other than Hawk Newsome of #blacklivesmatter fame. The Times did one of those "how I spend my weekend" puff pieces on him awhile back. In our estimation he is clearly a more dedicated public servant than the mayor himself.

Anonymous said...

He’s horrible and should be removed, but I can’t say I look forward to interim Jumaane Williams. I hope Kathryn Garcia decides to run. I voted for her last election and think she’d do a great job.

Anonymous said...

And when said PM’s bodyguards take it upon themselves to deliver a little street justice to US persons peacefully protesting his presence?

Anonymous said...

The next in line is worse.

Anonymous said...

My close friend called this when he first took office in January 2022. He said some scandal will bring him down. Boy was he right after all. For a federal grand jury to issue these indictments, there must be overwhelming tangible evidence against him. A lawyer on MSNBC said there were 58 pages on their findings of him. How this man can remain in office while other members of his administration resign is beyond me. Adams is a colossal joke. Is there anyone in politics who isn't corrupt AF?

Anonymous said...

Arrogance leads to downfall

Sarah said...

Williams would be temporary; there would be an election in a couple of months.

Anonymous said...

When he first entered office and wanted to hire his brother as his person security detail at an exorbitant salary, I knew the office would be his personal slush fund.

Anonymous said...

Did you notice Al Sharpton was noticeably absent?

bill said...

Your dog should be the mayor.

XTC said...

Looks like the Feds got him by the balls and I assume Governor Kathy is putting the squeeze on behind the scenes because if Mr Smiley Face doesn't step down there will be pressure on her to give him the boot. Anyway you cut it its a pain in the butt for the Dems and you can be sure Trump will use it to show how corrupt they are and how messed up NYC is.

Edmund J Dunn said...

"Did you notice Al Sharpton was noticeably absent?" Good catch. Like his former buddy Trump, IMO, Sharpton is a grifter but he's smart, he knows when to cut and run. BTW, my error , it was outside Gracie Mansion, not City Hall.

Anonymous said...

I never thought he would be able to handle all the glamour of the job, DeBlasio at least stuck with grifting for big developers but poor Adams seems to have forgotten what laws are written for.

Anonymous said...

very interesting how many evgrieve readers are terrified of Williams. I've got my problems with him but to claim he's worse than this corrupt cop is laughable.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone said he's worse, yes. And being a socialist, he does not speak for me. I can't believe I voted for this bum.

cmarrtyy said...

If he did what he's charged with's nothing new. It's been part of his life in government. He's been a small time corrupt pol for years.... y-e-a-r-s.

Anonymous said...

I read the indictment of Adams written up by the US Attorney and it was very detailed concerning all the free upgrades Adams and his crony's received from Turkish Airlines from economy seat tickets to business class worth thousands of dollars. Adams must have thought it was no big deal and just perks that came with his job of being NYC mayor. Incredible.

Curious said...

His cameo in the movie Veselka proved him to be an idiot. Heartless, too.

Anonymous said...
