Showing posts with label Amelia and Christo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amelia and Christo. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Equal time

Photo by Jose Garcia 

After yesterday's photos of the Tompkins Square opossum... here's Christo, the resident male red-tailed hawk in the park, looking as majestic as ever today.

Goggla recently had some updates on Christo and Amelia's nestorations in Tompkins Square Park. Check out the post here.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Get well soon, Currant!

Photo by Emily Einhorn via the Wild Bird Fund 

Last Wednesday, one of Amelia and Christo's young hawks appeared distressed in Tompkins Square Park. 

As Goggla documented, Ranger Rob (Rob Mastrianni, a Manhattan Ranger) came to the rescue. Since there were no clear signs explaining the fledgling's state, Ranger Rob took it to the Wild Bird Fund on the Upper West Side for a closer exam. 

Here's an update from the Wild Bird Fund via Facebook (and Instagram): 
Such a sweet face on this juvenile red-tailed hawk, who was rescued in Tompkins Square Park earlier this week (thank you, Ranger Rob and Urban Park Rangers!) ... this young bird was lethargic, unafraid of people, and thin. He hadn't eaten in a while and has a poor body condition and weak grip, so something has been off with this one for some time, either because of illness, a window collision, or both. 
We treated him for potential rodenticide poisoning and common bacterial infections, and we're caring for his swollen eye. He's a bit stronger and taking food well, so we hope to see continued improvement for this handsome youngster, named Currant.

Goggla has more about the dangers of using rodenticide (Tompkins Square Park does NOT use it, though plenty of other people do in the city) at this link

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday's parting shot

The resident red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park, Amelia and Christo, take in tonight's sunset from atop St. Brigid's on Avenue B and Eighth Street... thanks to Ben Lebovitz for the photo...

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Juvenile red-tailed hawk getting the washing and drying down in Tompkins Square Park

An EVG reader spotted one of the young red-tailed hawks bathing in the water spray in the Avenue B playground in Tompkins Square Park...
... and later, this 2024 offspring of resident red-tailed hawks Amelia and Christo went into drying mode... standing and flapping its wings...
The hawks continue to be quite active this summer. As Goggla noted yesterday, one even made it to the cross of St. Brigid's.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Young red-tailed hawks continue to entertain in Tompkins Square Park

Photo by Steven 

It may be entertaining to us, but we feel for parents Christo and Amelia as they deal with this martial arts phase of their 2024 offspring

Goggla has some great shots of the young hawks at play here.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday's opening shots

Photos by Derek Berg 

As we mentioned on Friday, the young red-tailed hawks will be quite active in Tompkins Square Park in the weeks ahead as they learn do all things red-tailed hawk...
As Goggla shared: "Look out for them and be sure to give them space, especially if they come to the ground. They are just going about their business, exploring their new world."

Friday, June 14, 2024

The juvenile red-tailed hawks are already huge and getting into staring contests with squirrels in Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Steven 

We're now entering prime juvenile red-tailed hawk season in Tompkins Square Park. 

Amelia and Christo's three 2024 offspring are in the student-driver phase of their lives as they learn to fly, navigate trees, hunt for food, and appreciate the live hardcore and death metal bands on the occasional weekends. 

Here, one of the fledglings takes in a neighbor's "freeze/observe/assess" routine...
Goggla has a new post today (link here) with photos and observations on the young hawks.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Dinner with Christo

Photos by Steven 

Christo, one of the resident red-tailed hawks in Tompkins Square Park, poses pauses with dinner this evening shortly after 7...

Monday, May 6, 2024

A look at Christo and Amelia's 2024 offspring in Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Steven 

Amelia and Christo, the resident red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park, have welcomed three bouncy baby fuzzballs to the nest this spring. 

Steven took these photos over the past week...
As we've seen in previous summers, the hawklets grow so quickly... by mid-June, they'll be surprisingly huge and learning to fly, hunt, pose for photos, etc. 

Visit Goggla's site for the back story on our local hawks.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Friday, January 12, 2024

Friday's parting shot

Photo by Steven 

Hey, it's Christo... one of the resident red-tailed hawks on the hunt in Tompkins Square Park this afternoon...

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thursday's parting shot

Photo by Steven 

Squirrel caught in the act while trying to mess with Amelia, one of the resident red-tailed hawks in Tompkins Square Park today...

Friday, November 10, 2023

From Tompkins Square Park: Christo in Don't You (Forget About Me)

Photos by Steven 

Flaco, the Eurasian eagle-owl, is getting all the attention this week after decamping to the East Village and Lower East Side from Central Park. (And yes, we have a Flaco post coming soon.) 

This may be why Christo, the resident red-tailed hawk of Tompkins Square Park, has been extra photogenic of late ... as seen yesterday near 7th and A ...
And 2023 marks Christo's 10-year East Village anniversary.

Friday, July 21, 2023

When a young red-tailed hawk gets stuck in the airshaft outside your kitchen window

This morning, Kim, who lives on 10th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B, discovered that one of the juvenile red-tailed hawks from Tompkins Square Park was stuck in the airshaft of her building... just outside her kitchen. 

Oh hi.
The hawk appeared to be OK... just a little unsure how to get back out. 

With the assistance of her friend (and EVG correspondent) Steven, Kim contacted Ranger Rob — aka Rob Mastrianni, a Manhattan Ranger supervisor. 

Rob quickly captured (not his first airshaft rescue!) the young hawk, one of Amelia and Christo's 2023 offspring.
After examining the hawk and determining that it was not injured, Rob released the fledgling back into the park... where it likely met up with his two siblings.


And a little later... (photo by Steven)...

Monday, July 17, 2023

Late-morning red-tailed hawk watch

Photo by Derek Berg 

Amelia and Christo's three red-tailed offspring this summer remain very active in Tompkins Square Park (despite the heat index!).

One of them today took a moment from its busy schedule to pose for EVG readers.

Goggla has a lot more photos and updates on the hawk family here.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

It takes 2

Photos by Steven 

Here are two of red-tailed hawk siblings at rest in Tompkins Square Park... enjoying the moment seemingly hiding amid the brush with parents Amelia and Christo keeping an eye from a distance ...
Hawkarazzi, busted...
Later, testing out the wings...
... and exploring...
Goggla has new photos of the three red-tailed hawk fledglings here.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Mid-morning juvenile hawk watch

Photos by Derek Berg 

One of Amelia and Christo's 2023 kids was out and about in Tompkins Square Park this morning...
See our previous post for more background on the red-tailed hawks.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Young hawks are having an ongoing play date in Tompkins Square Park

As noted the other day, Amelia and Christo's three 2023 red-tailed hawk offspring have fledged and been active in Tompkins Square Park this past week.

Here's a sampling of some up close-and-personal moments (top two photos by Derek Berg)...
And the following two photos are by Steven...
... and you may get busted taking photos, FYI ...
EVG reader Nancy Van Epps shared this rather camouflaged view of a fledgling...
Goggla, who has documented the red-tailed hawks here for years, offered up some sensible advice about this playful period (via the EVG comments):
As the fledglings are out and about now, this is a good time to remind everyone to take care when watching them — give them a lot of space as they learn to fly and hunt. If they are on the ground, please keep dogs away and let them do their thing. It's normal for them to be on the ground eating or playing. If you have reason to believe they are in distress, call 311 and ask for the Urban Park Rangers.
Find Goggla's photos here.

And for equal time to other TSP-based birds, a pigeon (and a pretty cool hat) for your consideration by Daniel Efram...

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tuesday's parting shot

Photo by Mark H. 

There is A LOT of juvenile red-tailed hawk activity now in Tompkins Square Park in recent days... as Amelia and Christo's three 2023 offspring have fledged and are testing their wings and practicing their staredowns. 

Many more photos TK in the days ahead.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Nest Ball: Amelia and Christo's 2023 chicks make first appearance

Photos by Steven

ICYMI: It appears that red-tailed hawks Amelia and Christo in Tompkins Square Park have several hatchlings in their nest. 

Difficult to say at the moment how many... but observers have seen at least two fuzzy little heads poking up from inside the nest...
As always, follow Goggla for the latest on the red-tailed hawks... in this post, she documents Amelia and Christo brooding their eggs in late April.