Showing posts with label Christo and Amelia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christo and Amelia. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2018

[Updated] Sick red-tailed fledgling taken away from Tompkins Square Park for evaluation

[Photo by Goggla]

In recent days we've enjoyed watching the younger of the two red-tailed fledglings frolicking in Tompkins Square Park.

However, as Goggla noted, Amelia and Christo's older fledgling has kept a lower profile, staying perched in a tree.

And yesterday, the hawklet looked unwell. NYC Urban Park Rangers Rob Mastrianni and Nick Baisley came to the Park, and took the hawklet to the Animal Medical Center for testing and evaluation, Goggla reported.

Here's a video of the capture...

Visit Goggla's site for more photos and updates.

Updated 7/29

Unfortunately the fledgling died early this morning. Early test results showed anemia and exposure to rodenticide. More to come...

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Hawklet watch on 8th Street

Since fledging on Friday afternoon, Amelia and Christo's chick has been hanging out on a fire escape along Eighth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C. EVG reader Mike shared these bird's-eye-view photos from the scene...

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Welcome to the neighborhood: Mockingbird dive-bombs fledgling on 8th Street

Earlier today, the first of Amelia and Christo's offspring to leave the nest received a welcome from a mockingbird on Eight Street between Avenue B and Avenue C...

... complete with a few dive-bombs...

Thanks to Steven for the photos!

Young hawk flies the nest

One of Amelia and Christo’s two red-tailed hawk chicks in Tompkins Square Park fledged the nest yesterday afternoon (2:02 p.m., per a hawk watcher on the scene)... Steven caught up with the fledgling at St Brigid's on Eighth Street and Avenue B late in the afternoon...

The fledging ended up flying across Eighth Street and perching on a fire escape... where Steven spotted her/him this morning.

Head over to Goggla's site for a complete narrative and many more photos.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Hello humans of Tompkins Square Park

Amelia and Christo's two offspring are getting more active by the hour ... leaving their nest in Tompkins Square Park to test their wings (branching) ... Goggla shared the top photo, showing just how large the hawk chicks are getting (this is what happens when you eat rats every day...)

Goggla figures it could be fledge time for the two at any moment. Head over to Goggla's for more photos of the hawklets as well as a narrative on the latest hawk developments.

Meanwhile, Steven shared these photos of the parents enjoying a nest break atop St. Nicholas on 10th Street and Avenue A late Wednesday afternoon... that's Amelia taking flight...

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thursday's parting shot(s)

Christo (left) and Amelia posing in Tompkins Square Park today...

OK, now look to your right...

Photos by Steven

Monday, June 25, 2018

Christo and Amelia's kids are growing and growing...

A few nest shots via Steven from Tompkins Square Park early this evening ... where Christo and Amelia's two hawklets are looking ready to get our and start exploring...

... in this photo, it appears that Amelia is helping clean one of the chicks...

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The warm and fuzzies in Tompkins Square Park

Christo and Amelia's two 2018 offspring are going on 3 weeks old now... Steven shared this photo, showing two fuzzy hawklets peering out from the nest...

Head over to Goggla's site for more photos, including some impressive hawklet wingspan shots.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Post notes that Christo 'has gone from sugar daddy to baby daddy'

The Post continues to keep tabs (like here and here) on that hunky red-tailed hawk Christo ... today's feature, on Page 3 in the paper, begins:

Tompkins Square Park’s biggest tail chaser has gone from sugar daddy to baby daddy.

The red-tailed Romeo named Christo — who was servicing three lady hawks at once — is now the proud father of at least two hatchlings with his second and most recent side chick, Amelia.

The eggs arrived on April 25 ... and Goggla got the first glimpse of one of the hawklets last week.

Here's a photo via Steven of one of the hawklets from early this week...

... and here's Christo dropping off some dinner...

Goggla has more photos here. And as she notes: "All seems well so far with this new hawk family."

Saturday, June 2, 2018

[Updated] First baby red-tailed hawk pics from Tompkins Square Park

Goggla shared these photos from today... a first look at Christo and Amelia's 2018 offspring ... one hawklet visible from the nest...

And that's Amelia shooting the hawkarazzi a possible dirty look!

Make sure to check out Goggla's site for ongoing updates on the red-tailed hawks this summer...

Updated 6/3

Urban Hawks reports that there are two hawklets in the nest. Head there for photos and a video.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

A red-tailed hawk and egg situation

[Photo of Christo, left, and Amelia atop St. Brigid's by Steven]

Christo and his new lady hawk friend Amelia have at least one egg in their nest in Tompkins Square Park, Goggla reports.

Here's what she says to expect:

It takes around 28-35 days for eggs to hatch, so if we count April 20 as Day 1, that puts hatching at May 17-24. Since no one can see into the nest, we will not be able to see the eggs hatch, but we will know something is up when Christo starts delivering food to the nest.

The hawks will continue mating until all the eggs are laid, and then maybe for some time after that.

Amelia conveniently came out of nowhere on April 4, the very day that Christo's longtime partner Dora went off to wing rehab.

Christo and Dora have raised 10 hawklets these past few years. So expect at least one hawklet again this summer. (Like here in 2017.)