Remember back in the fall of 2010, when Keanu Reeves was around the neighborhood filming scenes for that low-budget indie called "Generation UM"?
Yeah, I didn't either.
But! I revisited the archives... (Here and here.)
Out friend Cat Sitter in the City remembers! From Oct. 6, 2010:
I keep getting distracted by the sound of someone yelling instructions and people cheering. I just went outside to see what's going on, and I found myself standing about six feet away from Keanu Reeves on the corner of 11th Street and Avenue A. Dressed all in black, he is tall and handsome as you would expect.
I didn't want to snap a photo of him because I felt like I would be invading his privacy (I wouldn't fare so well as a paparazzo, would I?), so I took a picture of the other people in the scene with him. They were all dressed like cowboys and cowgirls, and they kept chasing Keanu out of the parking lot and down 11th Street.
Anyway, the film starring the "Point Break" star (Johnny Utah!) opens in New York on May 3. And I just received an official media (woo!) invite for the screening (really likely not going).
Here is the official trailer. Take it away, Keanu!
OK then. And now, one more look back, when Keanu was supposedly living during the filming in a nice place on East Ninth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C...