Showing posts with label Manhattanhenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manhattanhenge. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Williamsburg view of Manhattanhenge

William Klayer shared this photo of Manhattanhenge from last night... looking at 14th Street from Williamsburg. 

As a reminder: The Full Sun on the Grid occurs tonight at 8:12. 

Fear not, though — photo ops will return along the grid on July 11-12. Details here.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday's parting shot

Photo by Deborah Kadetsky 

First Manhattanhenge op of 2024... this was the Half Sun on the Grid Edition from 14th Street in Union Square.

The Full Sun on the Grid occurs tomorrow at 8:12 p.m., weather permitting. 

More background here.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Today in Manhattanhenge pics

Photos by Peter Brownscombe 

The view from 14th Street this evening... weather permitting, half the sun will be visible tomorrow evening at 8:21... and the last Manhattanhenge until next year... 

Last call for Manhattanhenge until 2023!

Tonight and tomorrow are the last chances to witness Manhattanhenge (in person) this year. 

By the time it happens again in 2023, Wegmans may be open on Astor Place! 

Anyway, the action is set for tonight at 8:20, when the full sun will be on view above the city horizon. Then tomorrow at 8:21 p.m., only half the sun will be visible to your Instagram followers

Manhattanhenge occurs when the setting sun aligns with the numbered streets that run east and west on the city grid — 14th Street and above, generally.

Photo from 2014 via our friends @AcademyRecords!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Wednesday's parting shot

Pre-Manhattanhenge action on Ninth Street this evening via Cecil Scheib ...

And the next chance for the actual Manhattanhenge is coming soon:

• Thursday, July 11 at 8:20 p.m. (full sun)
• Friday, July 12 at 8:21 p.m. EDT (half sun)

Monday, May 27, 2019

Manhattanhenge 2019: the sun is also a star

[Photo on 14th Street from July 2016 by @WonderlandNYC]

ICYMI: Here are your clip-and-save Manhattanhenge dates for 2019...

• Wednesday, May 29 at 8:13 p.m., you will see a “half sun” — half above and half below the landscape.
• Thursday, May 30th at 8:12 p.m., you will see a “full sun,” with the entire solar disk resting above the horizon.

If you’ll miss out in May, then you’ll get a second chance in July:

• Thursday, July 11 at 8:20 p.m. (full sun)
• Friday, July 12 at 8:21 p.m. EDT (half sun)

Manhattanhenge occurs when the setting sun aligns with the numbered streets that run east and west on the city grid. Here's a quickie video explainer for more:

And as Gothamist reported, this year's Manhattanhenge news release via the American Museum of Natural History doesn't make any mention of Neil deGrasse Tyson, the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium who coined the term.

While the Museum has kept quiet on the matter, last year Tyson's name hit the headlines when he was accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women.

The Museum said it was investigating the accusations, though it hasn't released any further information.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Thursday's parting shot

14 Street near Second Avenue this evening via Alice Owen...

The Manhattanhenge Project

[Almost Manhattanhenge-y on 9th Street the other night]

Time again for Manhattanhenge, in which the setting sun aligns with the Manhattan street grid, prompting people to stand in the middle of 14th Street (send photos!).

Per the American Museum of Natural History: Tonight at 8:20 (cloud coverage permitting!) you'll be able to see the full sun on Manhattan’s grid; tomorrow evening at 8:21, the half sun will be on display.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Manhattenhenge, take 2

[Nothing to see here!]

After a promising and photogenic start last evening, some low-sitting clouds obscured the setting sun, spoiling the first Manhattanhenge of the year (#Disappointhenge).

However, if all goes well tonight, the sun will align with the street grid around 8:12. (Full sun on the grid!)

The next dates for Manhattanhenge 2018 are July 12 and 13.

And if you want some background on all this Manhattenhenging, read this by Neil deGrasse Tyson at the Museum of Natural History.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Cloudy with a slight chance of Manhattanhenging tonight

[Photo from last July by ‏@WonderlandNYC]

It is time again for Manhattanhenge, when the setting sun aligns precisely with the Manhattan street grid and #Manhattanhenge starts trending on social media.

Here's Neil deGrasse Tyson at the American Museum of Natural History with more:

What will future civilizations think of Manhattan Island when they dig it up and find a carefully laid out network of streets and avenues? Surely the grid would be presumed to have astronomical significance, just as we have found for the pre-historic circle of large vertical rocks known as Stonehenge, in the Salisbury Plain of England. For Stonehenge, the special day is the summer solstice, when the Sun rises in perfect alignment with several of the stones, signaling the change of season.

For Manhattan, a place where evening matters more than morning, that special day comes twice a year, when the setting Sun aligns precisely with the Manhattan street grid, creating a radiant glow of light across Manhattan's brick and steel canyons, simultaneously illuminating both the north and south sides of every cross street of the borough's grid. A rare and beautiful sight. These two days happen to correspond with Memorial Day and Baseball's All Star break. Future anthropologists might conclude that, via the Sun, the people who called themselves Americans worshiped War and Baseball.

Here are the dates... starting tonight...

Half Sun on the Grid

Monday, May 29 8:13 P.M. EDT
Thursday, July 13 8:21 P.M. EDT

Full Sun on the Grid

Tuesday, May 30 8:12 P.M. EDT
Wednesday, July 12 8:20 P.M. EDT

However, Manhattanhenging from 14th Street — or any other of the other major cross streets — looks pretty iffy given the cloudy forecast, per AccuWeather Chief Meteorologist Elliot Abrams.

“We’re talking about something that requires the sun to be out, but we’re talking about just a very narrow window of time,” Abrams said.
Clouds are expected to be covering the New York City area [tonight]. There may be some breaks in the clouds on Tuesday evening, but a shower or thunderstorm could move into the city.

“It’s reasonable that there will be a chance to see it on Tuesday evening, but all it takes is one cloud at the right moment to ruin it,” he said.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Last Manhattanhenge till 2017!

Some photos tonight on East 14th Street via EVG regular Peter Brownscombe...

Monday, July 11, 2016

A look at the 2nd-to-last Manhattanhenge of 2016

EVG reader 8E took this shot tonight on East 14th Street...

There will be a half-sun Manhattanhenge tomorrow evening... then that's it until 2017.


Here's a another shot via ‏@WonderlandNYC ...

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Stupid clouds ruin Manhattanhenge

Not much of a Manhattanhenge this evening... and tomorrow night looks to be a there's always July 11-12.

Photos on 14th Street at Avenue C outside the Con Ed plant by Peter Brownscombe...

Time again for Manhattanhenge

[Photo from 2009]

As the Times notes:

This beloved event, known as Manhattanhenge, occurs when the setting sun aligns perfectly with the numbered streets that run east and west on Manhattan’s city grid, bathing traffic and skyscrapers in its warm red light.

Manhattanhenge is a two-day event that happens twice a year on opposite sides of the summer solstice. You can catch this year’s displays about 8:12 p.m. this Sunday [tonight!] and Monday [Memorial Day!], and again on July 11 and 12.

Not sure about the prospects for Manhattanhenging tomorrow with the rainy forecast.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Stupid clouds... East 14th Street tonight for Manhattanhenge...

There's still tomorrow night...

Half Sun on the Grid
Monday, July 13 8:21 P.M.

Photos by Peter Brownscombe

Manhattanhenge wants to be seen again tonight

East 14th Street provided a good warmup last evening for the next round of Manhattanhenge (when the setting sun aligns precisely with the Manhattan street grid) … for tonight's main event:

Full Sun on the Grid
Sunday, July 12 8:20 P.M.

Half Sun on the Grid
Monday, July 13 8:21 P.M.

Thanks to James and Karla Murray for last night's photo!


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Manhattanhenge no-show

Clouds took care of any chance of a truly Instagramable Manhattanhenge for a second sunset in a row

Not sure about crowds elsewhere in wait… but there were a few dozen people at the end of East 14th Street at Avenue C hoping for a show…

The next opportunity will arrive in July…

Half Sun on the Grid
Monday, July 13 8:21 P.M. EDT

Full Sun on the Grid
Sunday, July 12 8:20 P.M. EDT

Thanks to EVG reader Peter Brownscombe for the photos

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Waiting for Manhattanhenge

Not much of a Henge last night… people were out ready, though…

Perhaps it will by more Henge-worthy this evening at 8:12 for the Full Sun on the Grid.

Photo on Third Avenue and East 14th Street by James and Karla Murray