Flyers went up yesterday with notice of a community meeting on Sunday night ... of particular interest to residents of the southern stretch of Avenue B and the side streets.
First item of business:
• "We need to mobilize for the last step to stop a new nightclub from opening at 14 Avenue B."
That would be the so-called Epic City Pub, from the folks who owned Urge on Second Avenue. (Read more about this
Lost track of this one. The full Community Board 3 denied this application last September for a variety of reasons, including that there are at least 12 full on‐premise liquor licenses within 500 feet of this location. (Find the meeting notes
here via a PDF.) The bar is currently seeking a license directly from the State Liquor Authority. (There was
a petition earlier.)
Other items to discuss on Sunday night:
There are also applications in the works for 173 E. Second St.,
currently home to the Klean & Kleaner laundromat ... and
possible new location for The Living Room.
This was on the March CB3/SLA docket, but the applicant withdrew.
Plus, there's an unknown applicant aiming to take over the former
JujoMukti Tea Lounge at 211 E. Fourth St.
The meeting, sponsored by the East 4th Street A & B Block Association, will be held from 6:30-7:30 in the community room at 535 E. Fifth St.
H/t to Ray LeMoine for the photo]