According to the Club Animals Web site, home of the Bouncy Rides and other things related to this:
Q: What makes Club Animals relevant today?
A: Club Animals (Est. 2008) is a regression from adulthood. Obama said that now is the time to put off childish things, but we could not disagree more. In these times of job loss, government bailouts, and even a potential Depression, Club Animals has turned from adult concerns of money and finances and concentrated our minds on to those of children. Can you think back to a time when you didn't care how much money you had in your pocket? Can you remember a time when you just wanted to play? Club Animals has embraced childhood, and the time when what was valued most was fun, horseplay, and experimentation without worrying about "reality."
Saturday, May 2nd:
Free Bouncy Rides
Union Square subway
L Platform
Jill has a video link too.
Free Bouncy Ride L train from Club Animals on Vimeo.
Horrified? Amused?