Showing posts with label La Plaza Cultural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label La Plaza Cultural. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2024

About the 'Mutual Aid Plaza' benefit show this Sunday at La Plaza Cultural

La Plaza Cultural plays hosts tomorrow (Sunday) to a Washington Square Park Mutual Aid benefit show and collection drive. 

It's no secret that, like many New Yorkers, we have struggled this year. Sustaining our community space has been a week-to-week challenge. Somehow, we have been able to get it together and pull it off. We're hoping that with your help, we can get ahead of things and also make some much-needed purchases to improve our distro space. 

We really need a new canopy. The one we've been using to keep our distro dry during inclement weather was recently damaged. Actually, two canopies would be ideal to cover the four tables we use to serve our community. We also need a new light! 

During Sunday's show, we will also be receiving any clean, good-condition seasonal clothing, hygiene supplies, bedding, sleeping bags, and tents you can bring to La Plaza! 
WSP Mutual Aid, now in its third year, distributes its products on Friday evenings. 

La Plaza is on the SW corner of Avenue C and Ninth Street. Gates for the benefit open at 4 p.m. (and is scheduled to run until 8 p.m.). There is a suggested $15 donation, though " no one will be turned away for lack of funds!"

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Winter Flowers on this November day

Photo by Daniel Efram

Spotted Rolando Politi today tending to his Winter Flowers along Avenue C at Ninth Street.

Rolando created these unique, brightly colored sculptures from discarded materials in 2000, and displayed them here along La Plaza Cultural, the community garden on this SW corner.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

About Pumpkin Smash 2023 tomorrow (Sunday!)

Now that Halloween is over... the 2023 Pumpkin (and gourd!) Smash takes place tomorrow (Sunday!) from noon to 3 p.m. at La Plaza Cultural on the SW corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C. 

Via the EVG inbox ... 
This FREE family-friendly event demonstrates how composting is a closed-loop system — transforming our organic waste such as banana peels and apple cores, to a valuable soil amendment — all on a local level. 
Your pumpkins will be turned into finished compost which will then be used to rebuild soil in City parks and public green spaces. 

Come for the smashing, stay for the:
🎃 Worm bin exploration 
👻 Native seed ball making
🍎 Free food and drink
🆓 Giveaways

Thursday, October 26, 2023

About the Haunted Halloween Party this Saturday at La Plaza Cultural

Little Missionary's Day Nursery on St. Mark's Place is hosting A Haunted Halloween Party at La Plaza Cultural this Saturday (Oct. 28!). 

The annual event serves as a fundraiser for the school. The party is free to enter and open to all... there's a small charge for some of the games and activities... as well as for the food and beverages donated by the following local businesses: Mary O's (scones!), Bobwhite Counter, S'MAC, Veniero's, Gelso & Grand, the Grafton, Iggy's Pizzeria, La Palapa and Brooklyn Dumpling Shop. 

You can join the Halloween action from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the community garden on the SW corner of Avenue C and Ninth Street. 

The tattoos are fake... 

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Saturday's parting shot

Photo by Stacie Joy 

A scene from the 17th annual Anarchist Bookfair today (mentioned here) at La Plaza Cultural on the southwest corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sunday's parting shot

Photo by Stacie Joy 

It was a good weekend for live music... including (above) with Federico of Pinc Louds and singer-songwriter K. Porcelain playing a benefit for La Plaza Cultural's solar pavilion on Saturday evening...

Thursday, August 10, 2023

A fundraiser for La Plaza Cultural, and a new era for Pinc Louds

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy

You are invited to visit La Plaza Cultural late Saturday afternoon at 5 p.m. for a fundraiser for the community garden's new solar pavilion

The event includes a solo set by the lead singer of Pinc Louds and singer-songwriter K. Porcelain. Attendees can donate to the pavilion. (Read more about the project here.

Meanwhile, in a Instagram post last weekend, the driving force behind Pinc Louds made a heartfelt announcement starting with "the wig is off..." 
Over seven years ago, I created a look and voice that allowed me to be more extroverted, vulnerable and honest while performing. It helped me be brave enough to go into the subway stations and wail my soul at millions of strangers every day.

I am so grateful that this side of me was able to blossom through this "persona," this extension of myself… It led me to so many magical adventures and to meet so many beautiful humans… But I was wearing an armor. I wasn't letting people in completely. I would see some of these same people on the street when I wasn't performing, and since they wouldn't recognize me, I would pretend not to know them either. 

One of these humans — a very beautiful bright light in Tompkins Square Park — died earlier this year, and I decided I don't want to keep wearing this armor anymore. In the beginning, it freed me, but recently it's just been crushing me. 

At shows, I've always urged the audience to be more human, to make true connections, "talk to your neighbors…" But you can’t make true connections when you're hiding behind a mask. It's easy to be honest and vulnerable when no one knows who you really are. I'm going to try and give it a shot, this time without the armor. Hopefully, I can. Hopefully, you'll accept that. 

I’m excited about this next chapter. It's going to be scary. And weird. And intense and fun. But above all, it's going to be true. 

My name is Federico… but you can still call me Claudi. Claudi was never a "character." She has always been a side of me. And this side of me is and will remain the essence of Pinc Louds. 
And here is Federico in East River Park on Saturday, photographed by EVG's Stacie Joy...
And you may have seen Federico in recent weeks as he has returned to busking, such as in Tompkins Square Park on July 31 (photo below by Derek Berg)...
While the band formed in 2015, Pinc Louds came to prominence during the pandemic summer of 2020, when its brand of quirky cheerfulness gave COVID-weary residents a much-needed dose of joyfulness with socially-distant live shows that could feature a hopscotch contest or a movement meditation trash outing by Dance to the People depending on the afternoon.

You never knew exactly what you might get with an impromptu show, but it was always a lot of fun. We know that spirit will continue on with the work Federico and Pinc Louds create. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

La Plaza Cultural's new solar pavilion is enjoying its moment in the sun

Photo by Stacie Joy

After a years-long crowdfunding campaign (read more background here), the panels and battery were installed this past Wednesday on the solar pavilion at La Plaza Cultural, the community garden on the SW corner of Avenue C and Ninth Street.

Aside from providing a grid-independent power source, the pavilion will also serve as a four-season classroom offering workshops to the community.

While some volunteer gardeners held an impromptu celebration this past week, some work is left to do, including more fundraising to help defray costs. 

But, as La Plaza's most recent newsletter points out, "the garden now has a source of sustainable power. Thanks to all who helped us realize this vision... We hope it can be a model for other gardens and any entity interested in sustainable energy."

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Details about smashing pumpkins (not the band!) at La Plaza Cultural

This Sunday, you can bring your Halloween pumpkins, gourds and Jack-o-Lanterns over to the annual Pumpkin Smash... taking place from noon to 3 p.m. at La Plaza Cultural on the SW corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C.

Reps from the NYC Compost Project will be there to turn those (likely rotting) decorative items into compost for city parks and green spaces.

The event is rain or shine, and there are other family-friendly activities planned during the Pumpkin Smash.

Thanks to Steven for the photo!

Friday, June 17, 2022

A solar pavilion fundraiser at La Plaza Cultural on Sunday

La Plaza Cultural is hosting a fundraiser on Sunday for its proposed solar pavilion here in the community garden on the SW corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C. 

The festivities include a performance by Claudi and Marc from Pinc Louds... there's also a variety of food, drinks, etc., from 3-9 p.m. There's a $10 donation for entry. 

As for what the fundraiser is about: 
We are raising money to install solar panels to power the garden and take us off-grid. The pavilion will also serve as a four-season classroom offering workshops for the community.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sen. Schumer announces infrastructure funding for community gardens at La Plaza Cultural

Photos by Stacie Joy

On Friday morning, Sen. Charles Schumer visited La Plaza Cultural on the SW corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C to announce infrastructure funding (aka "Bipartisan Infrastructure Law") for NYC community gardens...
Joining him for the announcement were Sen. Brad Hoylman and local City Councilmember Carlina Rivera...
We will update when we receive more specifics — beyond the general announcement/photo opp — about the funding for the community gardens... 

Monday, January 31, 2022

Monday's parting shot

Thanks to Ted Phillips for this photo at La Plaza Cultural community garden on Ninth Street and Avenue C yestersay. (Some more kids were there today.) Some local residents built the ramp Saturday by packing snow on the amphitheater seats.

Monday, December 6, 2021

A fundraiser under the stars for La Plaza Cultural on Thursday evening

The folks at La Plaza Cultural are hosting a winter fundraiser on Thursday evening for their solar pavilion at the community garden on the SW corner of Avenue C and Ninth Street. 

Per the invite:
We are raising money to install solar panels to power the garden and take us off-grid. The pavilion will also serve as a four-season classroom offering workshops for the community.
The event, from 7-9 p.m., will feature fresh-made Neapolitan pizza, seasonal drink offerings and s'mores from the Wayland, hot chocolate, tarot card readings, live music by Eric Hoffman and Ken Hatfield, and a raffle. 

You can find ticket info at this link.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

A moment or two at the Anarchist Bookfair

The 15th Anarchist Bookfair took place yesterday at La Plaza Cultural on the southwest corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C. 

There was a nice turnout, as this pic by EVG contributor Stacie Joy shows (click on the image to go big)...
... and two other scenes...
... with an appearance by Monty Cantsin...

Friday, October 1, 2021

About the 15th Anarchist Bookfair tomorrow at La Plaza Cultural

The 15th Anarchist Bookfair takes place tomorrow (Oct. 2) at La Plaza Cultural on the southwest corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C. 

Per the organizers: "The theme of this year's book fair is Mutual Aid and Zero-Money Living. Come browse through a wide selection of zines and books..." 

The Bookfair is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Find more details here

Afterward, there's the Emma Goldman Film Festival in Tompkins Square Park... read about the program of short films (expected to screen at 7:30 p.m.) at this link.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

A farewell, for now, as Pinc Louds hit the road

Late Saturday afternoon, local favorites Pinc Louds played a farewell (of sorts!) show at La Plaza Cultural, the community garden and open-air theater on the southwest corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C.

In support of La Atómica, the band's second full-length release,  Claudi, RaiMundo and Marc Mosteirin are embarking on a 10-city tour starting tomorrow night in Chicago. 

EVG contributor Stacie Joy stopped by La Plaza for the concert...
... which included a performance by Maira Duarte of Dance to the People...
... in what was truly an all-ages show... 
And Claudi's fans got the chance to say goodbye as well...

La Plaza Cultural debuts two free lending libraries

La Plaza Cultural, the community garden and open-air theater on the southwest corner of Avenue C and Ninth Street, now features two free lending libraries ... with a third on the way.

For now, one of the bookshelves is on the outside fence along Avenue C, while the other is inside the garden, which is open on weekends from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (as well as for other special events during the week).

Passersby are welcome to drop off books and pick up a few in exchange. According to a La Plaza volunteer, the bookcases are built of sustainable bamboo plywood paid for through a Citizen's Committee grant. 

Local residents and activists founded La Plaza in 1976. It was renamed in honor of Armando Perez, a community activist who was murdered in 1999, in 2003. 

Photo via La Plaza Cultural

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Catch the latest video premiere from Pinc Louds tonight at La Plaza Cultural

Pinc Louds, fresh off a rousing set at La Plaza Cultural on Saturday evening, returns to the community garden on the southwest corner of Avenue C and Ninth Street for a video-viewing party tonight of the band's new single.

"Aire Acondicionado" officially drops tomorrow, but you can check it out tonight. The screening starts at sundown, though the gates will be open earlier.  

Photo Saturday by Stacie Joy!

Updated 6/11:

Check out the new video below...

Monday, June 7, 2021

Hot in the city: Pinc Louds bring the (pre) summertime fun to La Plaza Cultural

Picking up from the previous post ... currently in a crackdown mode (to say the least), the NYPD would not let the Pinc Louds set move forward in Tompkins Square Park on Saturday evening. (No amplified music without a permit...)

However, the show was able to go on at a new location — La Plaza Cultural on Ninth Street at Avenue C, where attendees were treated to another euphoric performance on this hot (not-officially-summer-yet) night. 

EVG contributor Stacie Joy took these photos... 
In other Pinc Louds news, the band's new single, "Aire Acondicionado," drops on Friday.

Previously on EV Grieve:

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday's parting shot

This afternoon, the Loisaida Center hosted a "spiritual cleansing ceremony" featuring the amazing bateria drumming of Batala NYC at La Plaza Cultural on Avenue C and Ninth Street ... 

Derek Berg caught the group as they first performed on Avenue B.


We'll have photos from today's March to Save East River Park later on...