Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is Walmart sniffing around Union Square?

Maybe! Patrick Hedlund has the story in his Mixed Use column this week in The Villager. Best Buy's name has also been floated, he reports.


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one wondering why Target, who advertises heavily in Manhattan, has a track record of treating their employees fairly, and has always been considered a "discount" retailer, has not opened a store here? One Target in Union Square or would wipe out most of the Duane Reeds, Walgreens and CVS's and actually provide quality products at reasonable prices. For that matter, maybe they could replace the shitty KMart in Astor Place. How long you reckon KMart has left on that lease?

Anonymous said...

Kmart has that lease through 4087. I think. I just can't go in there. (But Richard Hell did. Once, anyway.)

Anyway. As far as chains go...I'd take a Target over all you mentioned.

Jill said...

I too love Target. Ever since I lived in LA (a short stint in the middle 80's) and they took back a year old answering machine that broke and exchanged it for a new one. They don't do that any more, but still, it made me a lifelong customer.

From what I understand about Walmart is that part of their strategy is about owning the property, not leasing, which is why they were interested in Manhattan. There aren't any in the boroughs either. The closest are in Long Island or New Jersey or Westchester. Weird.

Anonymous said...

If WalMart comes to Union Square, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to destroy the earth. There's your warning, people.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough, Alex...just give me time to grab my Go Bag...

Jill, I had a friend who worked at Kmart in high school...he claimed that they had to take back all returns -- even stuff that had price tags on it from, say, Sears.

Jeremiah Moss said...

i've been known to dip into the "big K" for stuff like new pillows, but walmart is evil incarnate. did you ever see that documentary about it? they literally murder entire towns.

Anonymous said...

Say, does the Big K still have that cafeteria on the second floor...? I ate there when it opened. Their mac--n-cheese was a color of yellow that looked a little radioactive.

Oh, and I never saw the Walmart movie.