Wednesday, February 16, 2011

DOH gives Yerba Buena a clean bill of health

Last Friday, the city inspected Yerba Buena at 23 Avenue A near Second Street ... and found enough violations to immediately shutter the Latin eatery...

The DOH returned Monday, and found zero violations... and the DOH gave YB the OK to reopen...


RyanAvenueA said...

Must have been a hell of a cleanup effort! That place was/is a bit pricey. You'd hope they could at least reinvest some of the profit into cleanliness before getting shut down. I loved how they kept the gate halfway open so the thick bottom part eclipsed the "Closed by DOH" placard.

Anonymous said...

Ha, great comment Ryan. Expensive...? You must either A. be new to NYC, or B. not eat out very often. I'm sure I'm in the majority when I say that the food is delicious and the service nearly impeccable. If you're questioning the quality of their food, I suggest you take a look at the NY Mag's Best Pork Dishes of 2010 or last Sunday's Iron Chef, where Julian did an incredible job up against Jose Garces. Ohh... and try stopping by for dinner on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night at either of the YB locations... good luck getting a table. I suggest you stick to Blockheads, it sounds like that is more aligned with your budget and taste.

glamma said...

hey "anonymous"
1. why dont you post a name or screen name before attacking a regular commentor? You P*ssy
2. it's not "COOL" to worship money
3. YB's food sucks - really, get a clue.

Uncle Waltie said...

2 Brothers Pizza is perfectly aligned with my budget if not my taste. And I've never managed to get a table in there, either.

RyanAvenueA said...

@Anon. Thanks for trolling, asshole. I live very close to YB, and I've eaten there several times. I didn't comment on the quality, which is excellent, I was simply voicing my opinion of paying for a meal that felt more like appetizer. Especially in a neighborhood where there's a lot of options. In fact, I was probably out having a great meal while you were jerking off to Iron Chef. Oh, and thanks for mentioning Blockheads, with which I was not familiar. Seems they have locations in Murray Hill and the Upper East Side. Unfortunately I don't find myself there all too often since there's so many douchebags. But thanks for pointing it out!

@Glamma: Hearts.

glamma said...

Haha oops i was actually thinking of yucca bar!

Jill said...

I ate there once and thought the food was fantastic. Pricey yes, and the tables crowded together, but what I didn't like mostly was how loud it was, bad acoustics or something, so not really the romantic dinner I was hoping for.