Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today in pleasant requests outside the Beagle

From Dave on 7th... at the former Orologio space on Avenue A... now home to the Beagle.


esquared™ said...

wish the beagle would practice what their preach and just come and go quietly and MAKE the neighbors happy...

Jeremiah Moss said...

i guess, just a week or so into it, they've already become a problem or they would not need the sign. how does this happen so fast?

Anonymous said...

Are they already a problem? What's the deal there? Neighbors, fill us in.

Dave on 7th said...

I think that was probably there when they opened. they were so clearly anticipating the problem that they paid someone to make the request a permanent feature of their decor.

Anonymous said...

It's completely unfathomable that a notice like that would ever have the desired effect in the EV. It probably does the opposite, because if I know self-entitled types, the last thing they want is to be told how to act. Signs like this are offensive and probably just provoke people to act out in willful defiance. Sad that this is how I view humanity these days. Time to move out of the EV.

Anonymous said...

i like the typeface they used. anybody know what it is?

Jill said...

They put wood slats over their windows so a) it looks like a prison, and b) you can't ever tell if they are open or if anybody is in there. It's very secretive looking.

HEY19 said...

Uh oh did anon at 3:10 just call a sign offensive?? Here we go.

Anonymous said...

The place got a ton of press it's opening week due to the people attached to the place, so it became a "scene" instantly. Annoying because the menu looks decent, but never going near that place on a weekend.

blue glass said...

unfortunately bad behavior is not limited to the EV

Anonymous said...

I think the community board requires this kind of notice. At least it looks better than all those taped up signs that used to grace the windows of Superdive.

Anonymous said...

Went here Saturday (5/21) with two friends after our plans to go to Great Jones Cafe fell through due to it being swamped (still love the place though I try to go during the week usually). Walked in around 8/8:30, got a table immediately, and I thought the crowd was decidedly un-sceney in that it was not the Gabe Stulman set. Crowd was a little older than you'd see in most restaurants in the EV on a Saturday night, if I had to guess I'd say half the people there were from uptown looking to try out a new "downtown" restaurant.

Drinks were good though $12/pop. Milk braised pork shoulder was excellent, about $22 or $24 if I remember correctly. All in all it wasn't cheap, but we were all happy with the meal. Decidedly different experience than eating at Frank or another hipster-scenester mecca on a Saturday night (though Frank's gnocchi, which I've been relegated to getting solely through delivery, is pretty amazing).

Have there been any actual reports reports that it's been a bad neighbor already?

esquared™ said...

ooof *what they preach
or what their sign says

streams of consciousness all got mixed up

i guess i better scuttle along and and go quietly and make this blog and the commenters happy...

Anonymous said...

thanks for the info 7:41... you seem to hit all the spots
have you heard about this place...what are you trying to tell us, that it's all about you

Jill said...

The wood slats either turned into curtains overnight or I dreamed them up. They are curtains. Still can't see inside.

Anonymous said...

do you people realize you were all once the young people making noise in the EV and that this is just a cycle? I know you'll all say "we NEVER made a peep" but elders have been complaining about young'ins forever. Have some hindsight. This coming from an "elder". NYC is loud. Get over it.

blue glass said...

i drank and made noise when i was younger. but not the way folks do today.
we were allowed to drink at 18 so it was not such a big deal scene to get into a bar at 18. and at 16 if you could pull it off.
however, there were fewer bars and very few clubs and young folks had less money.
the rich folks would make an occasional appearance but the LES was not the come to neighborhood it is now. and it certainly was not a playground for schmucks.
local bars were mostly populated by older folks, mostly residents, and mostly guys.
and a lot of the ukrainian bars served cold cuts at the bar so the drunks were not quite as awful.
and people would never consider screaming down the blocks in pack, part buses, etc. there was not that total disregard for others.
and that does not mean times were better then. just quieter.
time for the eggs and water balloons.

Anonymous said...

anyone who supports this restaurant is an idiot

Animal Rights!