Wednesday, July 6, 2011

B Bar's take-out window and sidewalk seating moving forward

We haven't heard much about B Bar's plan for sidewalk seating and a to-go window in months. Last we heard in February, the B Bar's plans called for a 28-seat sidewalk cafe and a take-out window on the Bowery... this needed to be approved by Community Board 2, who has jurisdiction over the western side of the Bowery.

Meanwhile, we've noticed the work progressing on the to-go window...

Is that artisanal caulk on the counter?


esquared™ said...

yay, i can finally take-out the overpriced bland food there and post it in my facebook that i've been to b-bar

the allure of b-bar isn't the food, it's being there -- being meaning one got in -- to drink in its garden and patio and a place to be seen and to see. i guess they're trying to create a la esquina-like scene with its to go window...

Anonymous said...

yeah the food here is mediocre - a to-go window seems like overkill, unless they're also improving their menu. the crowd is terrible, but the garden is oh-so-lovely - just make sure you avoid thurs, fri, sat nights.