[Jeff Day ©2013]
In Early February, we spotted a few workers in the soon-to-be-former parking lot at 327 E. Ninth St. pushing some dirt around here between First Avenue and Second Avenue ...
Late least week, the work really began on the six-story, two-unit residential building.

[Jeff Day ©2013]
Also, EVG regular William Klayer notes that the dig has turned up some underground brick from the previous structure here...

Anyway, it looks like this now ... and as a reminder of what will eventually materialize ...
[Via Curbed]
Something that worries me is the apparent absence of underpinning on the adjacent buildings. If they are only digging to excavate to the SAME elevation as the footings/bottom of a slab-on-grade of the existing buildings, then this isn't a problem. However, most of the new construction seems to be going lower. Chances are they are going to need to take the whole excavation to the edges of the lot, they won't be able to leave a 1:1 slope (or better) to do all their construction.
Whoever took that picture might want to be keeping an eye on that.
Don't understand the renderings. Is that top floor just simply a large windowed skylight in the front? Because the way that the perspective is drawn, there is no "building" going back from the front-top edge.
my sympathies to those living on either side of this. looks like a tight squeeze, ooof.
They have started serious work this morning...it sounds like giant scrapers and dentist drills outside. NOT HAPPY. And more than a little nervous about how unsupported the buildings to either side seem...our beloved Source Unltd. is right there next to the pit. It is going to be a very unpleasant spring...
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