As first mentioned here, two diners entered Verso, the Italian bistro on Avenue C and East Eighth Street, on Sunday night ... the female diner sat down and removed her top. She sat bare chested while the man with her took photos. Owner Labinot Baraliu promptly asked the two to leave.
Here's more about what happened.
East Village-based professional photographer Allen Henson contacted us. He was in Verso with Cheyenne Lutek, a model.
"It was an impromptu photoshoot. We did two that night," he said. "The first establishment loved it and interacted, the other, well — we weren't there long."
Here are the results of the first restaurant, which declined to have its name used with the photos. "They had fun with it. So did the patrons."

And here are images from Verso...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Female diner decides to go topless last night at Verso
Verso is prudish.
Nice biscuits!
The restaurant that allowed her to go behind the sushi bar without a hair net could be fined if someone emails these pics to the Department of Health. And it would have been professional of this professional photographer to ask for permission to shoot at Verso. They might have accommodated his request with advance warning. Also, if you are a professional photographer, you should have respect for other small businesspeople and pay them a respectable fee for use of their establishment for a photo shoot.
evg - congrats on your mention in today's NY Daily News!
July 10, 2013 at 12:24 PM makes a good point.
The simple act of taking a photograph in Verso wasn't technically illegal, probably even after the model went topless. However, Verso is a private business/property. Henson needed permission from the owner to photograph (Henson didn't know that?). Once the owner asked them to cut it out or leave, that was it -- at that point, Cheyenne Lutek was wrong in arguing that it was "perfectly legal" for her to continue to sit topless in the restaurant and get photographed. If they hadn't either stopped what they were doing or left, they could have been arrested for trespassing.
Attention Whoring is a Health Code violation.
That girl ain't a "model" and that guy ain't "professional".
Also, embarrassed to know this but that first place looks like sushi lounge on st marks and A.
well, this story just made front page of Italy's most prominent newspaper Corriere Della Sera's website, and NYC's most eminent blog is mentioned.
Anonymous 2:48,
And "ain't" ain't a word!
@ anon. 3:34 PM
ain't is a word; historically, it's a contraction of am not, and now informal or obsolete, but still used colloquially as contraction for has/have/do/did... not.
Verso ain't prudish; the photographer and the model ain't got no manners.
Ain't is a word and it was in common usage -- across the board -- until the mid-20th century. And is still considered regional usage word.
From nudity to grammar. Two things that people love to argue about. What's next? Can we work Citibike into this?
CitiBike ain't ShitiBike
The EV becomes more douch'ier every day.
And you ain't Einstein, Billsville. Ain't that the truth.
CitiBike ain't a bikesharing program, it's a corporatization program. And CitiBike ain't for every residents, it's for moneyed yuppies and hipsters and tourists. There. Ain't no mountain high enough for corporate CitiBikes.
"And CitiBike ain't for every residents, it's for moneyed yuppies and hipsters and tourists."
Seriously ? If you can't afford $100 for a yearly key then you need to spend more time looking for a job rather than spend time on blogs.
Ain't you a Citishiller or a yuppie, anon. 11:04 pm? Seriously.
Stop taking my name in vain!
I think EV needs a article/picture of Ms Titties on a Citibike
No shocker that the Japanese didn't mind a naked lady in their restaurant!
As for the photographer, it sounds like he's a frustrated assistant trying to get attention. A professional wouldn't do something like this without securing permission in advance.
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