[Via @jimnobu]
Over at the new 7-Eleven that opened Friday on Avenue A and East 11th Street.
As EVG reader Cartknocker said, "Not sure what it means, but we can imagine."
...and via VH McKenzie...

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] The 7-Eleven signage is up, and someone has already spit on the front window (42 comments)
The Musical
So powerful.
Eeewwww! Are they whoring out the perpetually rotating hot dogs???
I guess that was inevitable. Maybe they'll just cover the whole 7-11 with brown paint like the verizon building on 13th and 2d?
Well, that was one wasted great opportunity.
Does more harm to the cause (just for it's I'm-a-crazy-brain-wacko stupid quality) than anything else.
The 7-11 wall doesn't have spell check?
Go after Shaoul and Kushner. Residents in the building told them they would support on a zoning level but that they would prefer this to a bar or restaurant. Residents are having enough trouble and would like to not be under a magnifying glass. Enough. It's not your building.
John beat me to it! Great call!
Like a conflation of "tuition" and "prostitution," I get it.
anon 1:21- it's all of our community being affected by having a chain store in it, you personally are not under the magnifying glass. and baby, if you rent it is not "your" building.
Of all the unpleasant things that exist in the EV these days, it is amazing that so much ire exists for a store that essentially sells hot dogs, slurpees, and cheese fries. sheesh.
Damn right it's not my building, so why don't you go protest in front of Kushner's building baby.
@4:09 PM
Uh... wow. You sure told him. (?)
Yes! So silly to protest these chains! I ENJOY less selection! I enjoy a monopoly on food (products)! I love it when Wal-Mart tells me what CDs I can buy based on their taste in cover art too! We need more of that!
you people are hilarious. grow up.
No one wants a 7-11 - no one. But these activists need to mind their own business. Those that live in the building have said that they prefer this to a loud bar. If you want to protest the treatment of their employees then go for it but don't harass the people that live there who I'm sure are thrilled that there isn't a bar there, not so thrilled about the construction & the condition of their building.
Upset about 7-11 but not the rampant graffiti lately on our block ? Why don't those upset by 7-11 do something about that ? Poor, rich & somewhere in-between all like to have a nice place to live without punks damaging their property.
@Anon. 5:50 - we ARE grown up. That's why we don't want a store that caters to humanoids with the taste levels of pre-teens to hold such a prominent place on a small old corner in our - yes, OUR - neighborhood. Shaoul does not live down here. Kushner does not live down here. They basically are the real estate equivalent of a hit and run driver - they slam into the East Village hard and fast, and leave it stunned and bleeding. But maybe you don't have a problem with soul-dead vampires who think nothing of evicting 90 year olds from the residence they no doubt thought they would be safe in until their days ended so frat dicks and woo whores would have a new luxury place to hang their Santa caps, or who tear down lovely old churches that were part of this neighborhood for over a century so the same kind of clueless shitbags can be housed in private splendor on land that used to be open to everyone?
What exactly IS there to like about a 7-Eleven? They take the worst elements of what any store in the neighborhood already sells - junk food - and glorifies it. This garbage is something you WANT to take a stand for? Little pieces of food-ish stuff painted bright orange with a Cheetah on the package talking to you like your 8 years old again? That's something you feel passionate about as an adult?
Who knew prostiution was illegal? I didn't until I saw this. ;)
Nice response, Gojira!
Rebels without a cause OK franchised stuff is not artistic to the Village got it! So Starbucks, Dallas, KFC, McDonalds only cool stuff wanted leave! My nickel its not another Bar with sweet college kids paying for a Bud with a credit card and feeling entitled to make late night noise. The problem Landlords bleeding high commercial rents solution who knows stores with bare brick walls well dressed and super looking sales ladies peddling 2000 dollar handbags maybe the future think Bushwick
Kushner's Westminster office is right on E. 12th Street and Shaoul's is on Broadway.
TGI Fridays in Union Square closed confirming people who move to NY don't want this shit. Hope you're watching 7-Eleven!
Having their offices down here is not the same as living down here, for God's sake!
Banksy is (was?) the new Lady GaGa.
isn't it as simple as not shopping there? you guys think picket signs and online rants are more powerful than the almighty dollar?
12:46 you're so cute and delusional. Like 7-Eleven is about making money through volume $.00001$ Slurpees .. all their stores are EMPTY .. all their stores are ADVERTISEMENTS. It doesn't matter if they sell a goddamn thing. Their presence is bad, bad for the neighborhood, bad for society, BAD. Wake up, sister friend.
Most of these new 7-Elevens are completely void of customers. How do they stay open?
What Gojira and Liberation said.
@ 3:13 PM. wow. such a powerful online rant. i feel it already.
Sorry about that 5:25. Go home 3:13, you're drunk! (said to self)
seriously, sorry for bein' a dweeb. I had a rough day.
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